Pretty Clipboards?
Do your old clipboards leave a little to be desired? I know mine did! They were covered in marker, crayons, and paint from student creations over several years. So, I decided to do a complete “clipboard makeover” and spiff them up a bit.
Even craftier teachers can make their own personalized handmade clipboards for others teachers, coaches, or even students.

I grabbed some decorative packing tape and added it to the board. Easy peasy!
Suggested use is smooth packing tape rather than Washi tape, which might rip or peel off. And I wouldn’t suggest normal duct tape because that has a rougher finish.
Another great tip is to use one of those plastic storage clipboards. I received a hand painted one from a fellow student teacher as a graduation gift and I still have it to this day – AND it comes in handy when I attend meetings of any sort because I can bring grading, notes, or snacks with me. Ha!

More Ideas for Decorating Old Clipboards
You might want to check out:

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- DIY Classroom Mailboxes
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Make your own substitute teacher management board!

Create a draw and cut design on vinyl with teacher clipart! Optional: Add in a special teacher quote.

Use some scrapbook paper (not cardstock) and some Modge Podge to lock it in!
Vinyl additions on a clear acrylic clipboard sure do make a nice decorative clipboard too!
I love the layered look of this option!
Ummmmmm – use chalkboard paint and wash tape to mark the borders – genius!
Here are a couple examples using duct tape and Washi tape combined. While I wouldn’t suggest writing on a single sheet of paper with this option because of the textures, it would certainly be fine if you were using an entire hardback notepad attached under the clip.
So adorable and eye-catching! I love that this one uses a small note. In fact, I can see attaching a hall or bathroom pass and having students grab the pass and return it to this clipboard that is displayed on a hook on the wall.
Are you super crafty? If so, you can paint your old clipboards to hive them new life. Not that crafty and love the look anyway? Check Etsy as there are tons of artistic folks over there.
If you have some extra craft paints laying around, this choice is super easy to make! Use painter’s tape to section of rows and pint the bottom row with your selected color. Add a little white to your color for the next row. Continue with all the rows until you have an ombre painted look. Peel off the tape and you’re good to go!
This is so cute for end of the school year gifts for a student teacher or colleague. Get crafty with your cutting machine and make a fun word design with vinyl.
Calling all vinyl crafters! You can pull this apple and custom name option together in a snap with your machine and a new standard clipboard.
Even the non crafty teachers out there (like me) could pull this one off without too much trouble. Tape off your board and craft or spray paint the pink. After it is dry, add in your glitter washi tape and glitter initial sticker in the corner. Gold leafing the clip might be a little too advanced for the likes of me, but if you are more adventurous, you could certainly try that out too.
Clipboard Uses in the Classroom
You can use clipboards in the classroom for so many reasons other than simply for jotting down a note.
- Organizing Absent Work
- Running Records
- Storing an emergency response packet that includes student rosters, lockdown signs, name tags, etc.
- Label student computers by hanging on the side along with login info
- Place on an easel with a red or green piece of paper to let students know when you are available for questions during small group instructional time
- Bathroom sign in/out times
- Place inside a book basket to use as a label for that basket’s contents
- Hang on the side of a bookcase for a classroom library checkout form
- Make your own student clipboards with a whiteboard and binder clips
- Give each student their own supply cup and place a clipboard in the middle of a pod of 4 desks with cup circles painted on the clipboard. This is where each student’s cup stays when not in use.
- Use as a calendar to count down the days left in school, left until break, left until another major school event
What are other ways that you have used a clipboard nontraditionally in your classroom? I would love to hear your suggestions in a comment below!
Happy creating!