Storing Tablets in the Classroom in 3 Easy Steps

New technology in the classroom is always super exciting for the teachers who get the joy of adopting new materials!

This is often short-lived when the educator realizes how much planning will be devoted to not only incorporating the devices into the curriculum effectively, but also topics come up such as behavior management, care of the units, rules for student use, internet safety, and more!  

Not to mention the instructor also needs to figure out WHERE in the classroom the technology will be housed safely.

If you suddenly find yourself presented with a technology gift of tablets in the classroom, no need to panic about storage solutions. It's as easy as 1-2-3!

Storing Classroom Technology

There are so many different ways to store high-tech devices at school. You definitely want to make sure your new setup includes protecting these expensive resources.

While you are deciding exactly how to store your technology, you’ll also want to think about how students will access the materials in a way that ensures the safety of both the student (digital safety) and the device (management rules).

A few suggested guidelines for setting your classroom technology policy that you can adjust to your specific class rules:

  • Students must have teacher permission before accessing the technology
  • A teacher should be monitoring all online activity
  • Choose the best way for your specific children to check out devices beforehand so you know where the materials are at all times
  • One option is to have students complete a check out sheet, similar to checking out a book from the library
  • Assign students a specific device each time for faster management of the check out procedure
  • Review the top tips for safe handling of the device with the class
  • Remind students that the devices are a learning tool (and not a toy)

You might want to check out:

Storage Solutions eBook Cover

Need some new ideas for organizing your classroom storage?  This 83 page digital book has you covered!

Includes 13 ad-free articles from Organized Classroom, including topics such as:

  • Student Cubbies
  • File Folder Game Organization
  • What to do with old office furniture to maximize your storage
  • Ideas for Student Headphone Storage

…and even more!

Now available in our Shop!  And the second copy to share with a friend is half price!  

See it HERE.

Quick Classroom Technology Storage Hack

If you suddenly find yourself presented with a gift of tablets in the classroom, no need to panic about storage solutions. 

It’s as easy as 1-2-3!

1 – Grab a simple dish drying rack from your local big box store.  If you are particular about it matching your classroom decor, spray paint it or add some decorative tape.

2 – Find a plastic container that has large enough sides to be able to move the entire unit without losing anything inside.  Feel free decorate the sides with decorative packing tape, and cut patterned shelf lining to place inside to keep the items from shifting back and forth.

3 – Grab your tablets and add them to the wire racks!  Having the open sides allows for easy charging and if you need to move the set of devices to a different classroom, the box makes sure it all stays put in one place!

Bonus:  If you have extra room, place student login username and passwords on index cards, which are housed in a file box of some sort to have everything right at your fingertips!

If you suddenly find yourself presented with a technology gift of tablets in the classroom, no need to panic about storage solutions. It's as easy as 1-2-3!

How do you store tablets in your classroom?  I would love to hear your ideas in the comments below too!


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