New Here?

I am guessing you stumbled upon one of my videos, freebies, or articles online. Whatever path you took, I’m really glad you’re here.

This site is full of incredible resources and ideas that can help you change your classroom organization – and give you peace you may not have felt before (seriously!). Here are FIVE tips of where to visit on this site so you can find what you’re looking for and we can work together to create your ideal classroom.

About Me Page 1

Want to know more about me?

A teacher, mom, wife. Featured in Scholastic Instructor Magazine (several times), NEA, TeachHub, Pinterest, and Edutopia, Charity has over a half million fans and followers all over the world. A former K-6 gifted intervention specialist, she has built and managed over 20 educational related websites since 2011, and collaborated with high profile companies, such as eBay, ASCD, and Pinterest. Charity is the CEO of PEN Group Online, Inc. where she has taught her classroom and teacherpreneur business development systems to thousands of fans and members.

About Me Page 2

Looking to Watch Teacher PD in your PJs?

Our super fun teaching tips workshops are sure to give you great ideas – and maybe even make you smile a little.  See all the free workshops listed at the Workshops Page

I would much rather sit and watch online trainings in the comfort of my home or from my mobile device on my own time, while being able to have a snack and a beverage of my choice along the way.  But, maybe that’s just me.

Organized Classroom Workshops are just the thing you have been looking for and didn’t know it!

About Me Page 3

Grab Your freebies

Do you like free?  I know, a silly silly question – but seriously.  We have HUNDREDS of freebies on this site!   Where are they you ask?   The EASIEST way to grab 150+ freebies right now is to sign up for our OC VIP Team!  Once you set up your account, you can access every single freebie file on this site – and they are saved to your account!  #score #convenience

After you are signed up for the OC VIP Team, you will now also have access to an exclusive OC VIP Team only masterclass:  Student Motivation Solution.  If you have ever had trouble getting a student to work (haha – yes, I know that has probably never happened to you), then you will want NEED this program.  It includes a video tutorial and all the handouts to use with your students.

Don’t want to create an account?  That’s ok too. You are also welcome to download each freebie separately for free by entering your email address on each blog post you find a freebie each time where you can get each freebie emailed to you instead.

Personally, that’s a lot of time investment if you ask me, but I love to give choices and what works for you works for me.

About Me Page 4

Need New Classroom and professional resources?

Don’t forget to visit our Featured Partners as well! Even more amazing teacher materials!

Organized Educator: Ready for a step-by-step system manual with all the digital files included you’ll need to organize your classroom in just 5 days? So Much More Than Just Classroom Decor.

Simple Classroom Systems: Step-by-step routines that put teachers back in control in just 4 weeks.

Teacher Life Balance Academy: Time Management Strategies for Classroom Teachers

School Bulletin Boards: Get every bulletin board template on the website: current and all future posts too!

Classroom Freebies and Classroom Freebies Too: Top educators bringing you the best resources for your classroom every day and always free!

Organized Classroom Store: Teacher Lesson Planners, Digital Books and DIY Courses. Resources for Staff Morale, Following Directions, Student Encouragement, Student Led Conferences, Interactive Bulletin Boards, and More!

About Me Page 5

Just want a ton of great ideas?

Yes please!

You can sort the posts by specific categories on the Home Page and Category Archives Pages if you know what topics you are most interested in.

Read all the posts in descending order, simply click the BLOG title instead.  
