3 Favorite Classroom Things


Holy moly this school year is flying!

It’s Jaime from The First Grade Bloom. I’ve been so fortunate to guest blog for Charity at the start of each month this past year.  As this is my last post, I’m going to share 3 of my favorite, most used, things right now.

Three favorite teacher items include DIY clipboards, a do not disturb custom lanyard, and a mini nurse station to help the classroom run more smoothly.
Simple Classroom Systems Starter Kit

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DIY Student Clipboards

My students have been up and about doing many different writing tasks across the curriculum lately that I needed to find an easy way to come up with clipboards instead of shelling out a ton of money and buying them.

Three favorite teacher items include DIY clipboards, a do not disturb custom lanyard, and a mini nurse station to help the classroom run more smoothly.

I simply use the whiteboards I already have and medium sized bulldog clips that I had and scrounged around for.

Three favorite teacher items include DIY clipboards, a do not disturb custom lanyard, and a mini nurse station to help the classroom run more smoothly.

Perfect for at seat or out of seat work!

Three favorite teacher items include DIY clipboards, a do not disturb custom lanyard, and a mini nurse station to help the classroom run more smoothly.

Do-Not-Disturb Necklace

I actually found this at a dollar store in Billings, Montana several years ago but it can be easily made with things found at JoAnn Fabrics (as if you needed a reason to go in there).  I wear this necklace primarily during writing time when I need to conference with students and when I’m doing one-on-one reading assessments.  If students still come up to ask a question or chat with me, I simply hold up the necklace for a quiet reminder and continue with what I was doing.

Three favorite teacher items include DIY clipboards, a do not disturb custom lanyard, and a mini nurse station to help the classroom run more smoothly.

Mini Nurse Station

You all have students who like going to the nurse, for one reason or another.  This little station allows kids to self manage their aches and pains so they don’t interrupt you.

Three favorite teacher items include DIY clipboards, a do not disturb custom lanyard, and a mini nurse station to help the classroom run more smoothly.

Here is a side view so you can see the nurse’s passes and pen included too.

Three favorite teacher items include DIY clipboards, a do not disturb custom lanyard, and a mini nurse station to help the classroom run more smoothly.

Here is what the steps are for students if they feel a little ill:

#1. Go to the bathroom.
#2. Get a drink of water.
#3 Bandaids.
#4. Try a mint.

I believe the old wives tale that peppermint can calm an upset tummy and stock this drawer with those small, pastel, chalky, melt-in-your-mouth mints.

I keep the Nurse Passes here too, so it’s easy and convenient to fill one out when a student really is sick.

I really hope you’ve enjoyed my posts and ideas this school year because I have gotten some fantastic ideas as well that I’ve tried and can’t wait to try next year.  I wish you all a happy rest of the school year from super sunny Alaska!


Need a Nurse Sign with these ideas for your classroom? Grab one inspired by this post!

Three favorite teacher items include DIY clipboards, a do not disturb custom lanyard, and a mini nurse station to help the classroom run more smoothly.


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