Cutting Out Cuteness
OK – in the title I literally meant cutting out. As in scissors.

This week, I wanted to create a version of a cute clipboard that would be pretty to look at, but also useful (must be the multi-tasking teacher in me).
So, I created a handy Substitute Board!
I first started with a plain boring clipboard like the one below:
Then, I used my handy dandy Silhouette Cameo and the Silhouette Studio Designer Edition Software to create my words and shapes. I grabbed some scrapbook paper and started cutting away.
Super fast and only minutes later, I had some seriously intricate shapes I could never have cut that well by hand. I mean – check out the detail on that frame and in the cursive words!
Next, I used some spray adhesive to attach it all down:
The final step would be to Modge Podge it all down to make a clear coat seal.
Attach a dry erase marker with a ribbon, and one to the top – and you have cute AND practical!
There are spots there to be able to write a class roster, notes, names of student helpers, schedules, dismissal, etc! And you can wipe off and start again for the next year.
If you have additional information you need to provide (student allergies, lists of some students to keep an extra eye on, etc.), place it in a sub folder and pop the folder under the clipboard clip.
Hang it up on a command hook next to your desk and you have a handy sub station ready to go!
Since I already had my Silhouette Cameo warmed up, I also used it to quickly cut out the lettering for my HOWling Into Reading Interactive Bulletin Board Set!
It would have taken me hours to cut out all that lettering by hand – or I could have gone to the store and bought boring bulletin board lettering.
But the Silhouette Cameo allows me to use any font I already have installed on my computer to create whatever I want – and then allows me to print from my printer and then it cuts it all out for me!
I save soooo much time and it looks 300% better than if I try to do it manually.
BONUS! If you just want the reading log from the bulletin board set, I do have that as a freebie below, so you can grab it just for being a reader – everyone wins today!
Happy shopping!