Classroom Website Suggestions Free e-Book

Finding educational websites that are appropriate for the age of the students and are interesting enough to hold their attention can be like finding a needle in a haystack.

Keep reading to see some of our readers’ suggestions if you are stuck and looking for something new to hook your kids!

Over 40 suggestions, which you will find in the booklet on the blog! SO many ideas, of which most can be used for multiple grade levels and subject areas.

In my classroom, I was always looking for something appropriate for early finishers that was a good use of their learning time.  Sometimes, those gifted students whip through their work and are left with the traditional “just get out something to read” mantra.

While reading and increasing vocabulary at their own personal reading level is not a bad thing, it also gets old when you are repeatedly asked to do the same thing over and over.

So instead, once the early finishers are done, I make sure to check over their work for completeness and neatness (some tend to rush and their work is a hot mess).

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If that is done to my satisfaction, I will rotate between reading a book silently, working on a challenge packet of materials that I have pulled (based on their pretesting gaps from a beginning of the unit assessment), and working on the computer.

This allows any student who has mastered the work for the day a reward to take their learning even farther.  Because let’s be honest, if they know if they finish early they will still be sitting still reading a book they might not be thrilled with, they just might dawdle when completing the work to begin with.

And then they are not using their time effectively to learn anything new.

These options are not just for students who are academically ahead either.  ANY student who meets the criteria gets the “reward” of learning more with specific-to-them options.

Great Brain Breaks for Kids

All classes from elementary through high school appreciate brain breaks.

These fun websites and videos don’t have to be “babyish like Kindergarten” for older students to like them too.

Make sure to check out some of these options, even if your groups of children are “too cool” for the kinesthetic movement choices.

  • GoNoodle:  My own child has been a fan of GN since he was in grade school.  Even though his intermediate teachers use it less and less, he still loves those catchy tunes.
  • fit:  This website has lots of resources for teachers, including lesson plans, stretching videos, and more.  Content was created by teachers for teachers to remind students how to be healthy throughout the day.
  • Cosmic Kids:  If you are looking for yoga and guided meditation for your students, check out this site.
  • MovetoLearn:  This YouTube channel has learning movement videos for students of all ages that incorporate movement and fun!

Apps and Websites that Create Lifelong Learners

Do you ever have parents who ask how they can help strengthen their child’s skills at home?

Some of the best choices listed below would be great printed on a list and sent home when you get those inquiring questions.

  • PBS Kids:  Obviously this site is for the younger students, but PBS has some fun games with recognizable characters
  • Cool Math:  For the older students, this site offers some fun math games and even lessons on advanced math concepts
  • MobyMax:  Offers differentiated learning lessons that adapt based on how the student performs
  • Internet4Classrooms:  One of my faves!  This site has lots of learning resources covering every different standard for PK-12

Need a Printable Resource?

This week’s free e-book comes at you courtesy of the fans at The Organized Classroom Blog’s Facebook Fan Page!

I posted the following question:  What is your favorite app or website to use in the classroom?

The fans came through as always and gave me over 40 suggestions, which you will find in the booklet below!

SO many ideas, of which most can be used for multiple grade levels and subject areas.

Thanks to everyone who participated and added to the list this week!  It is because of your input that I am able to create such wonderful resources that many others will also benefit from!

Over 40 suggestions, which you will find in the booklet on the blog! SO many ideas, of which most can be used for multiple grade levels and subject areas.

What are your other go-to websites and apps for your students?  We would love to hear them in the comments below too!


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