8 Ways to Display Learning Objectives

Having a fun way to display learning objectives in the classroom makes them more attractive for students and more likely they will interact with them on a daily basis.

I was thinking about some of the different ways I have come across to display standards or learning objectives and thought I would share!  Maybe you will get some inspiration from the ideas in pictures below too!

Having a fun way to display learning objectives in the classroom makes them more attractive for students and more likely they will interact with them daily.

This was my very first classroom and I literally bought a standards display poster from Really Good Stuff and put it up in my room.

I used sharpie each week to write on the laminated surface, and then used nail polish remover to wipe it clean.  I change them every Friday after school for the following week so they were ready when I walked in the door Monday morning.

Having a fun way to display learning objectives in the classroom makes them more attractive for students and more likely they will interact with them daily.

A newer idea I have found is to use a 3-ring binder opened like an easel.

Slide the standards into sheet protectors and flip to the current standard for the day. Easy to change from year to year as well!

Make one binder for Reading and one for Math so students know what their success criteria is at any given point during the week.

Having a fun way to display learning objectives in the classroom makes them more attractive for students and more likely they will interact with them daily.

I love these other ideas I also came across on the web as well for charting learning targets!

Providing Feedback for Students

Use sheet protectors that are taped together and hang from a bulletin board, whiteboard, or wall.  (Or even attach to the surface with magnets or velcro depending on where it is attaching).

Having a fun way to display learning objectives in the classroom makes them more attractive for students and more likely they will interact with them daily.

These were an adorable idea to place the main standards backgrounds into picture frames hanging from the wall.

Then use a dry erase marker to write on top of the glass.  The class will always know what their learning intent is for each and every subject during the week.

Having a fun way to display learning objectives in the classroom makes them more attractive for students and more likely they will interact with them daily.

Pocket chart!  {I never seem to have enough of these and may have a pocket chart hoarding problem.}  Add in the subject area on the left and the standard goal in the right column.

Students could even put a sticker into the pocket when they have mastered the skill for the week.  Love this interactive learning experience.

Having a fun way to display learning objectives in the classroom makes them more attractive for students and more likely they will interact with them daily.

Classroom Objectives

Fancy!  While this particular picture isn’t specific to learning activities, you could easily adapt it for your own classroom.

Having a fun way to display learning objectives in the classroom makes them more attractive for students and more likely they will interact with them daily.

Hang sheet protectors from a ribbon – very cute!  Keeps kids focused on their objectives, whether it’s in social studies, reading, writing, creative thinking/gifted, or any other subject area.

Having a fun way to display learning objectives in the classroom makes them more attractive for students and more likely they will interact with them daily.

Last up – just use your own writing, laminate, and place on the wall.  Simple and effective.

Having a fun way to display learning objectives in the classroom makes them more attractive for students and more likely they will interact with them daily.

There are a ton of ways to display your learning objectives and/or standards out there.

Which is your favorite?  We would love to hear in a comment below!


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One Comment

  1. I think the binder may be my new favorite, and space saving way, to display my learning objectives!