Teachers Color the World

Teachers have so much stress, they need solutions to relieve that stress before teacher burnout occurs. Free adult coloring pages might be just the ticket to help out.

I personally love coloring inspirational quotes as a way to unwind throughout the day.  There’s just something soothing about using coloring pencils to make a previously black and white image vivid with all the colors of the rainbow.

And don’t even bother to interrupt me if I have been lucky enough to grab a new mega box of crayons.

Teachers have so much stress, they need solutions to relieve that stress before teacher burnout occurs.  Free adult coloring pages might be just the ticket to help out.

By the end of the school day, teachers’ minds are fried.

A “typical” day might involve:

  • Forgetting your lunch on your kitchen counter after running around grabbing things to toss in a lunchbox for your own children before rushing out the door
  • Parents that stop by right at the start of the day just to talk about their child’s last behavior note that was sent home – and by talk I mean yelling loudly
  • A child throwing up on the carpet
  • Another unannounced assembly in the gym – during your math time when you have been struggling to teach fractions to glazed over eyes
  • Your SmartBoard crashes during your reading lesson, which was the “fun” and “interactive” portion of the lesson the students were most looking forward to
  • A teamie needs to go home sick and there are no subs, so her class is split up and you now have an extra 5 students to squeeze into your already cramped classroom
  • One of your students come to you sobbing because his dog died last night and you are currently reading Shiloh (PS – this really happened to me)
  • Indoor recess.  And no recess monitor means you will be monitoring in your classroom.
  • Staff meeting? Again?  You swear you just had one last month.
  • You drag yourself home after school and just need a FEW (hundred) minutes – or glasses of wine – before you pass out on the sofa just to start over and do it all again the next day.

Teacher morale is low because you can’t feel anything but be in survival mode all day and night.  Perhaps a few quiet minutes of free printable coloring pages for adults will help to take you to a quiet place when you just “can’t” anymore today.

Want to know more about time management strategies for classroom teachers?

Check out Teacher Life Balance Academy HERE!

Online coloring pages

If you prefer to do your coloring virtually, you’ll definitely want to check out some of the following websites.  They range from easy to more advanced complex options and could be a great option if you just need a quick break during your planning period at school.

There are tons of phone apps out there now too for digital coloring, but I found several free sites that won’t cost you a penny.

While this particular site has more simple coloring templates, I thought the teacher seemed appropriate.  How to “color”?  Click on the color you wish to use and then click on the image where you want the color to fill.

I added a couple colors so you can see how easy it is.  It’s quite satisfying to go from a black and white blank slate to a fully colored picture.

Teachers have so much stress, they need solutions to relieve that stress before teacher burnout occurs.  Free adult coloring pages might be just the ticket to help out.

This site has to be one of my favorites.  Instead of choosing your own colors (you can still if you want), but it is more like a color by number painting.

Each piece has a number in the space and then once you “color” it, the number disappears and is filled in with the chosen color instead.  It’s a lot of fun.

Teachers have so much stress, they need solutions to relieve that stress before teacher burnout occurs.  Free adult coloring pages might be just the ticket to help out.

If you are looking for an online coloring page that’s more intricate, you’ll want to check out the one below.  I adore how it has a HEX code box do you can choose any custom color you can dream up.

It is amazing to me how advanced the coloring image is, plus you can download your image and save it since it will definitely take a bit longer than your normal coloring time.

Teachers have so much stress, they need solutions to relieve that stress before teacher burnout occurs.  Free adult coloring pages might be just the ticket to help out.

If you love mandalas and geometric designs, here are some fun choices.

The only drawback (for me anyway) is that the color is not “filled” in to the picture when you click on it, but instead actually allows you to manually color it in.  Or erase it or use different writing tools.

I personally don’t have very steady hands, so this would not be a good choice for me, but I am betting there are plenty out there that would prefer the freehand option of this website instead.

Teachers have so much stress, they need solutions to relieve that stress before teacher burnout occurs.  Free adult coloring pages might be just the ticket to help out.

Printable coloring pages

Now, if you love the tactile experience of manually adding color to the page with crayons or colored pencils, then you’ll want to print off some of the following PDF choices.

You can also find lots of unique adult coloring books for sale online, including choices with scenery, fairies, flowers, mandalas, or even swear words – ha!  There really is something out there for everyone.

Make sure to click on the images below to find all the following freebie handouts.

Download this super cute coloring sheet with an inspired quote to lead the way.

Teachers have so much stress, they need solutions to relieve that stress before teacher burnout occurs.  Free adult coloring pages might be just the ticket to help out.

Another quote in the middle, I love the floral arrangement around the edges of this choice.

Teachers have so much stress, they need solutions to relieve that stress before teacher burnout occurs.  Free adult coloring pages might be just the ticket to help out.

Look at the intricate designs in the one below!  You would be able to use colored pencils, crayons, or even markers in all the colors of the rainbow.

Teachers have so much stress, they need solutions to relieve that stress before teacher burnout occurs.  Free adult coloring pages might be just the ticket to help out.

Geometric designs make this a fun option.

Teachers have so much stress, they need solutions to relieve that stress before teacher burnout occurs.  Free adult coloring pages might be just the ticket to help out.

So many fun nooks and crannies to color!

Teachers have so much stress, they need solutions to relieve that stress before teacher burnout occurs.  Free adult coloring pages might be just the ticket to help out.

I love the design just on the top of this page.  Reminds me of when I played with a Spirograph as a child.

Teachers have so much stress, they need solutions to relieve that stress before teacher burnout occurs.  Free adult coloring pages might be just the ticket to help out.

What a fun fall choice!

Teachers have so much stress, they need solutions to relieve that stress before teacher burnout occurs.  Free adult coloring pages might be just the ticket to help out.

No need to go too far away.  I pulled together a handful of teacher destress coloring pages just for you too!  They each include a quote in the first person so you remember to repeat it to yourself as you are relaxing.  Grab them below!

Teachers have so much stress, they need solutions to relieve that stress before teacher burnout occurs.  Free adult coloring pages might be just the ticket to help out.

How do you de-stress from your job?  We would love to hear your suggestions in the comments below too.


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