Instagram From Your Computer

Today I wanted to fill you in on kind of a fun website.

If you love to follow social media and follow other teachers and look in the classrooms and get great teaching tips, I know a lot of you use Facebook.

A great probably many more of you use Pinterest.

I do know some of you might use Twitter and I know a lot of you are also interested in checking out Instagram.

Are you curious about Instagram and want to see what teachers post there, but don't have your own account? See how to access it from your regular computer!

Instagram is really fun. It is completely picture-based so if you like Pinterest, you are going to love Instagram.

Yes, you will need a smart phone to first of all set up an account at Instagram.

Now, I know for me, I’m sitting at home in the evening, my husband’s watching some comic book show or whatever happens to be on and I’m watching but I’m kind of surfing the internet too.

Maybe pinning a few things or scrolling through my Facebook feed.  

You too?  Well, you have to check this out.

If you want to scroll through your Instagram feed and do some other fun things with Instagram, you can do that on your computer.

You don’t have to do everything for Instagram on your phone or mobile device which is kind of cool, right?

I do log in as myself from the spot right up at the top in the right hand corner.

I like to log in because then I’m able to like posts or comment on posts and do those types of things, get a link for the post, whatever, a lot easier than if I’m not logged in.

Do you have to log in? Nope.

If you actually do not want to be on Instagram or have an Instagram account, you can still go to this website and be able to look at the Instagram feeds without having your own IG  account. 

If you want to like or comment or be able to save it for later, then you will need an account.

If you are an Instagram follower, I would love for you to come follow me at @theocblog on Instagram.

Once you are logged in, you can look at your own feed in a grid format or you can do it from a list view.  I actually like the list view myself because I feel like it’s more of a feed.

Are you curious about Instagram and want to see what teachers post there, but don't have your own account? See how to access it from your regular computer!

I can like posts in the feed by clicking like or the little heart icon.

If I want to add a comment, it even has some emoji guys, I can add a comment and post it right there in my feed.

If I want to share it on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, I can do any of that if I want to repost it on my feed, or if I just want to link to save it for later, I can do that as well. I really really like that.

That is how the feed portion works and all the people that you follow.

If I say to myself, “You know what? I’m really looking for some more great teacher bloggers or teacher pinners to follow on Instagram to get some more great teaching ideas,” you can click on the hashtags in the posts.

I really like #teachersofinstagram, #teachersfollowteachers and the hashtag #iteachtoo. Those are some great ones to find to get started on. 

Scroll through that hashtag feed and I can guarantee you will find a ton of amazing teachers to follow.

You can also view short videos others post on Instagram so you’re able to actually see other teachers, what’s going on in their classroom, pictures, get great ideas, and whatever else they might share.

It’s kind of like Pinterest just in a different format.

Even if you’re not on Instagram, but you would like to do some surfing through Instagram right from your computer, of course I would love for you to follow me at @theocblog too if you are so inclined. 

You see I have lots of different things here for teaching, but I also like to throw some personal things in there. My cat just always ends up making it on there. lol.

Stop on by!  I would love to see you over at Instagram and I would love to hear what you thought of this idea or if there are other sites that you also like to use when you are going through your Instagram feed as well.

Feel free to leave a comment below!

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