Binder Clip Centers Signs

Hey teaching friends!  How about a fun and easy way to display your classroom center signs?   And I bet you might even have all the supplies you need already on hand!  Score!

How about a fun and easy way to display your classroom center signs?   And I bet you might even have all the supplies you need already on hand!  Score!

Trying to figure out where to hang up center signs with all the other items hanging up in the room can be a visual nightmare.

Between the word wall, the alphabet line, posting the weekly learning objectives, behavior expectations, a daily schedule, and displaying student work, amongst other things, it can create a lot of distractions and overwhelm for some students who really need a minimalistic approach to classroom decor.

But you still need a way to clearly label where your centers are throughout the classroom too. It can definitely become a catch-22.

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Where to Position Your Centers in the Classroom

Knowing where to place your literacy and math centers in the classroom needs to be addressed instead of just tossing your centers wherever.


You want to make sure the learning spaces are clearly defined, are far enough apart from one another, while still having access to shared materials to complete the activity successfully.

I like to begin by deciding how many student centers there will be in total. Typically I like to have no more than 3-5 students per center, so I take how many students I have in the classroom and divide by 3, 4, or 5.

Then, I subtract 1 from that number because I always have a teacher-led small group activity going on as well.

This gives me a number for how many additional centers there will be.

Then I simply give those centers a number, rather than a name.

It is way easier to number your centers than to give them a name – and the signs never need to be changed!

You can always easily display one editable note on the board or interactive whiteboard that says:

Center #1: At the small group reading table
Center #2: Writing Center
Center #3: Vocabulary Center
Center #4: Math Center
Center #5: Listening Center

Or something similar, depending on your curriculum.

Creative Ways to Display Printable Center Signs

Here are several ways I’ve found at Pinterest that are all different options for displaying your center signs to customize for your own preferences!

Using inexpensive clear plastic picture frame holders with a stand are great for setting on counters or desks.

How about a fun and easy way to display your classroom center signs?   And I bet you might even have all the supplies you need already on hand!  Score!

I love how this is a simple chalkboard! Use a command hook anywhere on the wall of side of a table or desk and change as often as necessary.

How about a fun and easy way to display your classroom center signs?   And I bet you might even have all the supplies you need already on hand!  Score!

Head to the party store and find tissue paper decorations. Hot glue your center name in the middle and hang from the ceiling over the spot where students will meet to complete their work.

How about a fun and easy way to display your classroom center signs?   And I bet you might even have all the supplies you need already on hand!  Score!

Another option for a plastic picture frame.

How about a fun and easy way to display your classroom center signs?   And I bet you might even have all the supplies you need already on hand!  Score!

Use team groupings for regular seating charts and repurpose for center time too!

How about a fun and easy way to display your classroom center signs?   And I bet you might even have all the supplies you need already on hand!  Score!

Love the use of large trays that can be spray painted any magnetic color you prefer to match your classroom theme. Hang them on an empty wall with center directions and attach student name tags with a magnet on the back. Swap the names and center directions the next week in a snap.

How about a fun and easy way to display your classroom center signs?   And I bet you might even have all the supplies you need already on hand!  Score!

How about another easy option that is easily moved and needs no wall space or ceiling hanger?

You might want to check out:

Classroom Routines eBook Cover

Need some new ideas for simple routines in your classroom? This 106 page digital book has you covered!

Includes 15 articles from Organized Classroom, including topics such as:
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Easy peasy:  grab some binder clips!  You can use pre-decorated metal clips…

How about a fun and easy way to display your classroom center signs?   And I bet you might even have all the supplies you need already on hand!  Score!

…or make your own with some plain black binder clips and washi tape!

How about a fun and easy way to display your classroom center signs?   And I bet you might even have all the supplies you need already on hand!  Score!

Next, get your signs ready, stand up the binder clips, and slide in your signs!  Done!  I love projects that take 30 seconds to pull together.

How about a fun and easy way to display your classroom center signs?   And I bet you might even have all the supplies you need already on hand!  Score!

You say you have no cute number signs to number your centers? 

Well, I have you covered today with a fun freebie!  Grab it below.

How about a fun and easy way to display your classroom center signs?   And I bet you might even have all the supplies you need already on hand!  Score!

Enjoy and I would love to see your signs on display in your classroom on our Facebook fan page too!

Talk to you soon,


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