Popping Up in February
Hey teaching friends! Need a little something extra fun for a February calendar? I made a fun freebie for you! Groundhog Calendar Cards!

Now – you don’t have to just use them for your calendar! Print off an extra set for one of the following ideas:
- Pass out to students randomly and make cooperative learning groups easily. Students group together based on the character on the card – or by number (evens/odds, multiples of 3, 4, 5, or none, etc.)
- Pass out the cards randomly and have students play “war” with them. They partner up – the higher card wins and that child gets both cards. The other child sits down. Keep going until one winner remains.

- Pass the cards randomly and have students line up order by place value. Perfect for lining up for specials.
- Use the cards in a writing center. Put the cards in any order and write a sentence about that card next to it. Students must put the story back into the correct order for practicing sequencing.
- Oh – and of course – you could use them for your calendar this year as well.
You might want to check out:

Need some new ideas for hosting successful classroom celebrations? This 416 page digital book has you covered! Includes 61 ad-free articles from Organized Classroom, including holidays such as:
- Groundhog Day
- Winter
- Black History
- Valentines Day
- St. Patricks Day
- Earth Day
- Spring
- Mothers Day
- Memorial Day
- Summer
- Independence Day
- Fall
- Halloween
- Thanksgiving
- Christmas
…and even more!
Now available in our Shop! And the second copy to share with a friend is half price!
How Many Calendar Days in February?
It gets tricky knowing how many days are in February from year to year. Is it a leap year with 29 days or a non-leap year with the standard 28?
Here is a fun fact: Leap years are divisible by 4. For example the years 2020, 2024, and 2028 are all leap years.
Knowing that they are multiples of 4 can be a fun math problem for your students too!
Classroom Calendar Events for February
Some of the most fun I have had with lessons include events that aren’t traditional holidays throughout the month.
Of course you will have Presidents Day and Washington’s birthday in the United States on any cute pdf printable blank template for the month, but some of the best days to celebrate aren’t common at all!
Check out this list of interesting options for February:
February 1: Bubble Gum Day – Allow students to chew gum during one lesson of the day
February 2: Groundhog Day – Make sure to watch the video of Punxsutawney Phil to see whether he sees his shadow or not
February 3: Superbowl Sunday – Have students create a graph showing a prediction of who they think will win the Superbowl this year
February 4: Thank a Mailman Day – Make thank you cards for the local postal carrier
February 5: National Weatherperson’s Day – Watch a video that shows how the weather is shown using a green screen in a TV studio
February 6: National Chopsticks Day – Have students use chopsticks to pick up letters to build this week’s spelling or vocabulary words
February 7: Send a Card to a Friend Day – Easy peasy!
February 8: Kite Flying Day – No idea why this one is in the middle of winter for those in the north, but writing a how to step by step tutorial for building and flying a kite would be fun
February 9: National Pizza Day – Can you say class pizza party?!
February 10: Umbrella Day – Take umbrellas outside at recess
February 11: National Inventors Day – Research a favorite inventor
February 12: National Lost Penny Day and Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday – Place pennies around the classroom and discuss the 2 holidays. Whoever finds the pennies throughout the day get to keep them. At dismissal, gift each student with a penny so everyone gets one to take home.
February 13: Get a Different Name Day – Have students write an acrostic using a name they wish they had instead of their own
February 14: Valentine’s Day – Make sure your students know how much you care
February 15: National Gum Drop Day – Just bring in a bag of gumdrops and show a video for how they are made
February 16: Do a Grouch a Favor Day – Students write out a notecard explaining hat he or she would do and for whom. Save until tomorrow.
February 17: Random Acts of Kindness Day – Using the cards from yesterday, shuffle the stack and randomly hand out to each child. See who can actually complete the activity before the end of the day.
February 18: Presidents Day – Read a trade book about our presidents of the past
February 19: National Chocolate Mint Day – Hand out Andes mints and take a poll to see who likes chocolate, mint, and both. Create a Venn diagram.

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Click HERE to see more!
February 20: Love Your Pet Day – Take brain breaks throughout the day and allow students to come up and share a few sentences about their pet(s)
February 21: Card Reading Day – Use cards in a math center to play higher or lower or a place value game
February 22: International World Thinking Day – Find out more information about this holiday HERE
February 23: Tennis Day – Have students write out 3 facts about tennis and then go to the gym and practice using the rules
February 24: National Tortilla Chip Day – Watch a video for how tortilla chips are made while snacking on them
February 25: National Cupcake Day (Canada) – You can’t go wrong with a cupcake
February 26: Tell a Fairy Tale Day – Do what it suggests. Maybe even have it be a collaborative fairy tale in which you begin and then each student adds on to it.
February 27: No Brainer Day – Ask obvious trivia questions throughout the day, such as “What color is green grass?”
February 28: Public Sleeping Day – Have students write a creative story about the day when everyone in the world fell asleep at the same time
February 29: Leap Day – only on years that are multiples of 4
So many fun activities for February! Make sure to grab your free pdf printable groundhog calendar numbers below to use as well!

And so much more! What other ideas could you use with these cards? We would love to hear your ideas in the comments below!
Have a wonderful rest of the week friends and happy teaching,