Falling Into Classroom Management


I know you have probably seen those “you’ve been booed” signs around in different neighborhoods around town.   They are fun and definitely festive!

I actually don’t live in a neighborhood, but rather set way far back off a busy road.  We have neighbors, but not really close by.  And their kids are all grown up and gone for many years.

As you can imagine, there is no trick-or-treating at my house.  We have to walk to the next neighborhood down the street from us to partake with our little man.

So the idea of doing BOO-ING and ringing a doorbell to leave a treat at the front door, while it sounds fun,  isn’t something I can easily pull off at home.  Because the idea would end there.  lol.

BUT – the classroom is a different story since we are all one big community!

Bring classroom management front and center by using the "you've been booed" fun printables to encourage great behavior. A tip for better staff morale too!

How Do You Boo?

While there are tons of free gift tag printables out there for this idea, I like to think my version is a little unique because

1 – I made up the poems myself

2 – There is no candy involved {there CAN be, but my example doesn’t include it}

3 – It won’t break the bank – a very inexpensive activity to increase student (and staff) morale

4 – I even have a teacher-only version included if you keep reading.

Bring classroom management front and center by using the "you've been booed" fun printables to encourage great behavior. A tip for better staff morale too!

It’s really simple to start this idea and keep it going throughout the entire month of October – AND keep your students on their toes!  #win-win

You are going to print the gift tag below on card stock.  The printable is mostly black and white so you can feel free to print it on most any color you choose.

Bring classroom management front and center by using the "you've been booed" fun printables to encourage great behavior. A tip for better staff morale too!

As you can see, it has a cute little poem as the instruction for how to continue passing on the fun.  I suggest printing 2 copies:  one for the door to keep on display after that class has been “BOO-ed” and another to be placed in the bag to be passed on to the next recipient.

Bring classroom management front and center by using the "you've been booed" fun printables to encourage great behavior. A tip for better staff morale too!

Print and cut out along the lines, including the diagonal line and around the inner circle to create the door hanger.

Would you like a set of 48 playing cards, 8 bingo cards, and 5 familiar game directions?   

Fall Card Games Cover

Each set is perfect for centers, early finishers, or as a class reward incentive!   Simply print, laminate, and go – easy to set up and easy to store!

Click HERE to see the bundle!

Now, when choosing your prizes, don’t think you have to get crazy with gifts.

My version was purchased for $3 at the dollar store.  And it has enough “treats” inside for a class of 24.

Bring classroom management front and center by using the "you've been booed" fun printables to encourage great behavior. A tip for better staff morale too!

You could include in your bag:

  • stickers
  • pencils
  • erasers
  • mini notebooks
  • glow bracelets
  • vampire teeth
  • spider rings
  • crayons
  • or yes, even candy or a special treat (like popcorn balls)

The bag you choose just needs to be large enough to hold a classroom worth of prizes and have a handle so it’s easy to hang on a classroom door.

After you have your bag, your tag, and your prizes all pulled together, have the class “vote” for another classroom they believe is worthy of their BOO.

Kids love to have their voices heard and what better way to model great behavior by looking for good examples from other students?

Have your class be on the lookout for model behavior from other classes in the hall, at lunch, at specials, and even during dismissal.  They can submit names they believe would be good recipients.

After a couple days, have a class discussion about why the classes are on the list – and then do a quick hands-up vote for their favorite choice.

The star student of the week can then “sneak” over to the said classroom and silently place the bag and the tag on the classroom door handle.

Bring classroom management front and center by using the "you've been booed" fun printables to encourage great behavior. A tip for better staff morale too!

Of course, if the door is open the Halloween treats may have to be placed before school by the teacher instead.

As you may guess, kids aren’t very secretive and they will probably tell students in the other class where the bag came from, but that’s ok.  Remind your own students that they may be the recipients the next time if they have good behavior too.

To continue to process, the teacher who received the bag will their door hanger displayed so others know they have already been BOO-ed, and then repeat the process by refilling the bag and using the extra door hanger to pass along (making an extra copy for the bag).

What do you do if your class doesn’t receive one before the end of the month?

If you feel they deserve it, make up a bag yourself and hang it on your own door before school or during specials!

They won’t know who placed it there and that way they are rewarded for that best behavior they have been working on all month long!

Can you get BOO-ed more than once?  Absolutely!

How Do you Boo Teacher Style?

Now that the students are on their best behavior, perhaps you won’t need this next idea?  HA!

Just in case you need a little staff morale boost, the same idea can be done adult-style!

Now, before anyone freaks out:  These are gifts that will obviously be used at home.  And you know your school environment better than anyone.  Some staffs and admins will be ok with this fun being passed along in private before or after school – some will not.

But this could be done during a late Friday afternoon Happy Hour after the workweek is finished too.

Bring classroom management front and center by using the "you've been booed" fun printables to encourage great behavior. A tip for better staff morale too!

You “BOO” another teacher by placing this gift tag on the top of a bottle and leaving someplace where students – or parents – won’t see it as to not have to explain yourself repeatedly.

Bring classroom management front and center by using the "you've been booed" fun printables to encourage great behavior. A tip for better staff morale too!

Under a teacher desk, in a staff mailbox, in the staff lounge, or even on the teacher’s doorstep at home would all be great places to pass along to the recipient.  Place it in a large handled bag so just the tag sticks out.

Bring classroom management front and center by using the "you've been booed" fun printables to encourage great behavior. A tip for better staff morale too!

Keep in mind:  if you have a teacher who does not drink, this could be a bottle of sparkling grape juice, rootbeer, or even a large coffee.  The idea is the same.

Need a way to fund the classroom treats and bags?  Check with your PTO or PTA – or perhaps the sunshine committee would be willing to supply the materials (likely not the booze).

Grab your materials, free printable below, and have some fall fun!

Bring classroom management front and center by using the "you've been booed" fun printables to encourage great behavior. A tip for better staff morale too!


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