Guided Reading Resource Organization


Organized Classroom has had some great guest blog posts over the years and this one all about guided reading resources organization is another great example!

Keep reading to find out how she gets all her items pulled together – and make sure to pick up the free Guided Reading Resource Organization Pack I whipped up that is modeled after the pictures from the post. Enjoy!

Guided Reading Resource Organization for your classroom!

Hello again. I wanted to share with you an idea I found on Pinterest (of course) this summer and knew I just had to try in my own classroom.

It is a guided reading crate.

Guided Reading Resource Organization for your classroom!

Previously I had all of my materials at my desk in baskets for each group and I would change up what was in each basket before or after a lesson.

Now I have everything I need in one, easily transportable, location! 

I bring it to my desk when planning, to the carpet area if I need it or near my work table when working with a group.  

Inside the crate I have hanging folders. I have a folder for each of my guided reading groups.

On Friday I place the books for the next week’s rotations in the folders along with the teacher guide.

You might want to check out:

Calendar and Lesson Planning eBook

Need some new ideas for lesson planning and calendar organization in the classroom? This 70 page digital book has you covered!

Includes 14 articles from Organized Classroom, including topics such as:
-Curriculum Mapping
-Setting Up Your Daily Classroom Schedule
-Digital Filing Cabinets
-Weekly Planning Resources
-Several To-Do List Templates
-Balancing Home and Work Life in your Calendar
-File Organization
…and even more!

Now available in our Shop!  And the second copy to share with a friend is half price!

See it HERE.

Guided Reading Resource Organization for your classroom!

I use one or two of the other folders for any center materials I may be using that week – a making words activity, task cards, a fun writing activity etc.

Guided Reading Resource Organization for your classroom!

Another folder holds comprehension questions that I can use while meeting with a group of students or that I can easily pull out and give to students to use during partner reading or after finishing their guided reading books.

I have a section for reading response worksheets for any text that are already photocopied and ready to go.

Guided Reading Resource Organization for your classroom!

Lastly I have two binders.

One is for all of the reading response worksheets I find or create throughout the year.

The other is for any shared reading resources I create or find online.

Guided Reading Resource Organization for your classroom!

I like having these binders close by when planning. I can quickly look through them and find activities I can use with certain groups and can easily differentiate my lessons.

I am loving this way of organizing my guided reading resources!

How do you organize your guided reading resources? Leave us a comment below to share.

Want the inspired-by template pack from the images above? Silly question, I know. Grab them below!

Guided Reading Resource Organization for your classroom!

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