Elephants in School?
I finally had a few minutes to break and create some new files to match a read aloud book and am just now getting time to sit down and share them with you!

I was sorting through some of my books on my bookshelves at home to look for something I might use for a back to school read aloud that hasn’t been completely overdone, and I came across one of my faves: Never Ride Your Elephant to School by Doug Johnson.
It is fun and goofy, and a great read for the beginning of the year!

Highly recommended if you are looking for something different.
I have also created a packet of 5 activities that include 5 reading strategies, but I have one free sample activity that can certainly be used on its own without the others.
Reading and Language Arts Power Pack
11 reading and language arts resource sets that pack a punch!

This power pack includes the following 11 files:
- Beach Activities Pack (K-6)
- Chapter Book Reading Strategies Activities (grades 3-8)
- Chrysanthemum Reading Packet (grades 2-4)
- Contraction Packet (grades 1-3)
- DI Spelling Menus Packet (grade 2+)
- Never Ride Your Elephant to School Activities (grades 2-4)
- Reading Bingo (grades 2-8)
- Space Theme Reading Logs (grades 2-5)
- Fiction and Nonfiction Story Maps (grades 2-6)
- Vocabulary Bingo (grades 3+)
- Writing Menu (grades 3+)
See more details HERE.
I would say grades 2-4 would benefit most from the activity, but I love short picture books as read alouds for ANY grade level.
Feel free to click grab your complimentary file tonight and remember to leave those elephants at home tomorrow.

What stories are in your reading series that you would love to see me create some freebie files for in the future?
Please leave me a comment below and I will make every effort to try and get some whipped up – please make sure to specify the grade too!
See you there!