Behavior Management Ideas

Having a toolbox of behavior management tools for the classroom is a necessity for every teacher out there. Every single group of students will need different interventions. No two are alike. And that can be frustrating for sure.

Having somewhere to turn to ask for help is essential to feeling like you are actually in control more days than not.

Having suggested actions to guide you through the management techniques are better training than any textbook out there for sure. Even better than a downloadable pdf. Knowing you have a sounding board with someone who “gets it” can mean the world to someone who is struggling.

Having a toolbox of behavior management tools for the classroom is a necessity. Every group of students will need different interventions. No two are alike.

Finding Help from Educational Colleagues

Sometimes the best management strategies for teachers come from the classroom teacher down the hall. Or in the staff lounge.

One year I was having a particularly rough year with a third grader named “George.” Nothing I tried worked. And let me tell you I tried most everything. His mom would even show up unannounced from time to time to “make sure I wasn’t singling her child out.”

I was only a third year teacher at this point, so I knew I didn’t know everything. I was drained and in tears most days after school. Frustrated is much too light of a word for what I was feeling. Mostly defeated.

Until a teacher down the hall and I were chatting after school when I looked particularly haggard and she suggested an idea that didn’t involve a chart, or clips, or colors, or names on the board. Instead it was an example that involved a response from his peers.

I hadn’t tried that strategy yet, so I was up for anything.

It worked miracles!

Just goes to show that learning from colleagues usually has more clout than from any type gf PD you might normally attend.

Real teachers with real tips from real situations. Experience is where it’s at.

You might want to check out:

Classroom Management eBook Cover

Need some new ideas for classroom management? This 105 page digital book has you covered!

Includes 16 articles from Organized Classroom, including topics such as:
-Using Peer Pressure to Solve Behavior Issues
-Utilizing a Simple Plastic Cup for Your Mgmt Plan
-Creating a Simple Token Economy
-A Character Building Game
-Group Work Mgmt Tips
…and even more!

Now available in our Shop!  And the second copy to share with a friend is half price!  

See it HERE.

A Dozen Different Behavior Models

In a situation yourself right now and need something new for your teacher toolbox?

Check out one of the ideas below for some virtual moral support.

Yesterday’s FB Fan Page Question of the Week was:  “What is your favorite behavior management system”? 

We certainly did not lack for answers!   I have compiled all the comments into one neat little packaged e-book just for you!

Make sure to grab it below!

Having a toolbox of behavior management tools for the classroom is a necessity. Every group of students will need different interventions. No two are alike.

I hope you enjoy these collaborations and get more great teaching ideas from your fellow OC Members!  Thanks!


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