A Day in the Life of an Elementary Teacher: As Told in Memes

Funny elementary teacher memes never get old.  You can instantly relate to these hilarious scenarios that may or may not have actually happened to you.  If not, I bet most veteran teachers will tell you that pretty much anything and everything will happen eventually.  Teaching in a school always keeps you on your toes!

You can instantly relate to these hilarious teacher memes that may or may not have actually happened to you.  Teaching kids always keeps you on your toes!

Relax and get ready to smile!  Let’s get this teacher humor appreciation post underway!  Extra credit if you chuckle too.

Before School Day

6 am:  You wake up and once that coffee is flowing, you are ready to begin the day.  Bring it on!

7 am: Heading to your mailbox, you stop by the office to chat, and smile to your co-workers who are also arriving for the day.

8 am:  You remember just as the students are getting ready to arrive that you forgot to run the copies for the small reading groups – yikes!   Of course the copier is possessed.  Exactly when you need it the most.  Time to come up with plan B.

During School Day

9 am:  Trying to get students to line up in a straight line, while keeping hands to themselves, and zipping their lips seems to be a science experiment that has yet to be perfected.  If it is a full moon, the month before a major holiday, or a random Tuesday, the task is futile.

9:30 am:  Student Brad has just asked you for the 247th time to repeat the directions.  Again.  After you have already stated them, have them written on the board, copied on the handout, and made sure Brad was looking at you throughout the explanation.

10 am:  Trying to pull up an IEP for a very persistent parent that has lost their copy yet again and your computer freezes every time you log in to the software.

10:30 am:  One of your silly students says to you:  “Hey Mrs./Mr. ______.  Why can’t you give Elsa a ballon?”  You are still a little flustered from the computer business, so you shrug your shoulders.  She then replies, “Because she will Let It Go.”  You suddenly feel a whole lot better.

11 am:  You realllllllllly have to go.  So you sneak your head around to the classroom next to yours and ask the neighbor to keep an eye on your class for 2 minutes.  Upon your return, your administrator is teaching your lesson.

12 pm:  Lunch, try the copier again, pick up from the morning lessons, prep the supplies for the afternoon lessons, check your mail, finally get your computer to work and email the IEP to the parent, check your school email inbox, oh – and it’s your day for recess duty.

Looking for a way to celebrate this crazy career with colleagues?  Check out these super fun Secret Staff Buddies Door Hangers to brighten everyone’s day!

You can instantly relate to these hilarious teacher memes that may or may not have actually happened to you.  Teaching kids always keeps you on your toes!

1 pm:   These student behaviors might be getting a bit out of hand.

2 pm:   Jamie gets it!   She tells you she finally understands!  You have been working on this skill for a month!

3 pm:  Dismissal.  Also received a note from the office to call the IEP parent who can’t figure out how to open the attachment and wants to talk to you.

4 pm:  Staff meeting – just hope whoever was in charge of snacks remembered today because you have earned it!

5 pm:  Bag packed and then you realize you forgot to call parent.  Quickly dial the number – and proceed to chat with the parent for way longer than you planned as they pretty much just needed a private conference.

After School Day

5:30 pm:  Relieved that the parent is now feeling better, but you are running late to pick up your own child!

6 pm:  Eat all the things for dinner.

7 pm:   Chores of your own, getting your own mail, and making sure your own family has homework done and quality time spent.

8 pm:  Finally winding down and you get a chance to watch a little TV and do some much needed pinning.

9 pm:  Grading time!

10 pm:   Sooooooo tired…

The Next Morning

Wake up and realize it’s Friday!

Can you relate? Ha! What else did I miss?  Share your ideas in the comments below – I love to hear from you!

You might want to check out:

You can instantly relate to these hilarious teacher memes that may or may not have actually happened to you.  Teaching kids always keeps you on your toes!

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Want some free funny copy machine signs to brighten up your teacher workspace? Grab the pack of 5 below!

You can instantly relate to these hilarious teacher memes that may or may not have actually happened to you.  Teaching kids always keeps you on your toes!

Talk to you soon,

Charity Preston Bio Pic

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    One Comment

    1. Karen Lyon says:

      The kitten video is my favorite! I teach Transitional Kindergarten, and I can so relate. I have used that video as the answer to the question, “So, how is it going?” Especially at the beginning of the year, I’ve whipped out my phone and said, “This is my life right now.” I know Kindergarten teachers talk about how teaching Kinder is like herding cats, and it’s true, but they have no clue. Teaching TK is definitely herding kittens! I taught Kindergarten for years before moving down to TK — there is a difference between those a Kinder kiddo and a TK kiddo. LOL.