Author’s Purpose eBook Freebie!

I don’t know about you, but I have had a whirlwind of a week! 

At times, it seemed as though it would never end, and at others, I didn’t have enough time in the day to get it all done! 

I hope your weekend ahead is filled with relaxation and enjoyment. 

In the end, we work so hard that the weekends should involve (at least a little) R&R with friends and family.

Here is a compiled eBook that is filled with different ideas for teaching author’s purpose! Thanks to the fans of Organized Classroom for collaborating!

As a thank you for all your hard work during the week and more, here is a compiled eBook that is filled with different ideas for teaching author’s purpose! 

Thanks to the fans of Organized Classroom’s Facebook Fan Page for collaborating on yet another fantastic resource that can be used by teachers all over the world!

Feel free to print it out, slap in a 3-prong folder and place in a staff lounge for all to share.

Here is a compiled eBook that is filled with different ideas for teaching author’s purpose! Thanks to the fans of Organized Classroom for collaborating!

Now go enjoy a nap or a nice walk – both good for you.


Charity Preston Bio Pic

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