February Lovely Calendar Pieces Freebie
Well, as a result of the snow day off school today for me, you are now gifted with some fun February-themed calendar pieces. Yay!

How to Use Your Calendar Pieces:
Here’s a quick list for using your shiny new free printable pieces that includes a February Header, Numbers 1-29, and an extra blank piece to write whatever you like on it.
- The obvious: As inserts in your classroom wall calendar
- Students can play “War” with the cards
- Pick a number of the day and have students share different ways to “say” it (for example 25 could be 20+5, 10+5+5+5, 5×5, XXV, tally marks, word form, etc.)
- At a math center, have the student pick 2 cards and make a story problem using those 2 numbers – along with the correct answer
- At a spelling center, have students spell out the numbers in word form
- Students could use the cards and put them in alphabetical order by their word form
- Play a math game where the small group turns over 3 cards and works to put them in place value order to see if they can make the highest number from the cards they pulled (example: 2,7,1 = 721). And the lowest (example: 127)
- Have the students place the cards in a calendar pocket chart and check for accuracy
I am sure there are tons more ideas, but those were just a few from the top of my head.
Enjoy your free handout – make sure to grab it below.

I would love to hear how you could use it in your classroom too!
Feel free to leave me a comment below to add to our list.