Free Sports Rhyme Time Game for Kids!
Many students love sports of all types. Baseball, basketball, tennis, soccer, and football just to name a few.
So what better way to celebrate that interest than by incorporating it into your lesson plans and learning?
Check out this fun – and free – game I created just for you to do that!

Math and Language Arts Game All Rolled Into One!
Materials Needed:
- print off 5 sheets of the ball playing cards on cardstock and laminate (use grayscale printing if you do not want to use colored ink)
- print off one copy of the word cards on yardstick and laminate

1. A student picks one word card in which to try to make rhyming words and says the word aloud
2. The student verbally says as many words in a row that he or she can think of and that many points are awarded. For example: Ball (then he or she could come up with wall, tall, doll, etc.)
3. The student has to pick out the amount of points from the cards in any denomination. For example: 8 points could be eight baseball cards (1 point each), or four football cards (2 points each), or one basketball card (5 points) and three baseball cards (1 point each). Any combination will work.
4. Play 5 rounds and the student with the most points (not cards) wins!
Differentiation for Card Play
Options for playing this game for different levels:
- Don’t use points at all
- You can choose to have the students get the least amount of cards for their points
- You could also have the students “trade-in” their cards for a larger amount card (for example: If they have 5 baseball cards, they should trade in for 1 basketball card)
- Have students write their words down, rather than saying them orally
- Have students write the number sentences to go with their point values, or create different number sentences for the same point values
Reading and Language Arts Power Pack
11 reading and language arts resource sets that pack a punch!

This power pack includes the following 11 files:
- Beach Activities Pack (K-6)
- Chapter Book Reading Strategies Activities (grades 3-8)
- Chrysanthemum Reading Packet (grades 2-4)
- Contraction Packet (grades 1-3)
- DI Spelling Menus Packet (grade 2+)
- Never Ride Your Elephant to School Activities (grades 2-4)
- Reading Bingo (grades 2-8)
- Space Theme Reading Logs (grades 2-5)
- Fiction and Nonfiction Story Maps (grades 2-6)
- Vocabulary Bingo (grades 3+)
- Writing Menu (grades 3+)
See more details HERE.
Ready to Play?
Grab the free game below and if you are loving this freebie, please share Organized Classroom with other teachers you know. #sharingiscaring

Enjoy! Have another way to differentiate the game for your class? As always, please feel free to add your comments below so that we hear even more fabulous ideas!