Keep Students Busy With Cups!


Deltoids + biceps = raising your hand to get your teacher’s attention.

Deltoids + biceps + more than 20 seconds = muscle fatigue.

Muscle fatigue in primary kiddos leads to either:
a) student(s) calling for you to come see them from across the room -or-
b) student(s) following you around the room tapping or tugging on you.

It’s hard to be 1 teacher in a room of 20+ students, all of whom need your support and attention right NOW. But I’ve come up with a way to avoid tired deltoids and biceps AND shouting across the room -or- following you around…

It’s hard to be 1 teacher in a room of 20+ students, all of whom need your support and attention right NOW.  

But I’ve come up with a way to avoid tired deltoids and biceps AND shouting across the room -or- following you around…CUPS!

It’s hard to be 1 teacher in a room of 20+ students, all of whom need your support and attention right NOW. But I’ve come up with a way to avoid tired deltoids and biceps AND shouting across the room -or- following you around…

I started using cups instead of raising hands during our writing time, but kids like to use them for other times as well.  

Red cups are to get my attention because a student has a question or is stuck on something and may need help.

Green cups are used to get my attention because a student has finish his/her writing piece and needs to read it to me and get a thumbs up.

You might want to check out:

Classroom Management eBook Cover

Need some new ideas for classroom management? This 105 page digital book has you covered!

Includes 16 articles from Organized Classroom, including topics such as:
-Using Peer Pressure to Solve Behavior Issues
-Utilizing a Simple Plastic Cup for Your Mgmt Plan
-Creating a Simple Token Economy
-A Character Building Game
-Group Work Mgmt Tips
…and even more!

Now available in our Shop!  And the second copy to share with a friend is half price!  

See it HERE.

I chose the colors red and green because they are often associated with “stop” (I’m stuck.) and “go” (I’m done.)

It’s hard to be 1 teacher in a room of 20+ students, all of whom need your support and attention right NOW. But I’ve come up with a way to avoid tired deltoids and biceps AND shouting across the room -or- following you around…

If students have a red cup on their desks, they need to keep trying to figure out what is troubling them or just keep writing.  

If students have a green cup on their desks, they can keep themselves busy by doing something on Gurg’s list (a free choice list) until I can get to them.

It’s hard to be 1 teacher in a room of 20+ students, all of whom need your support and attention right NOW. But I’ve come up with a way to avoid tired deltoids and biceps AND shouting across the room -or- following you around…

I keep the cups at our Writing Station.

It’s hard to be 1 teacher in a room of 20+ students, all of whom need your support and attention right NOW. But I’ve come up with a way to avoid tired deltoids and biceps AND shouting across the room -or- following you around…

Using these cups makes me less stressed about getting around to everyone and, more importantly, it allows kids to ‘keep going’ instead of waiting and doing nothing productive.

~Jaime at The First Grade Bloom

Would you like a printable copy of the cup labels? Grab it below!

It’s hard to be 1 teacher in a room of 20+ students, all of whom need your support and attention right NOW. But I’ve come up with a way to avoid tired deltoids and biceps AND shouting across the room -or- following you around…

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