“Star” You In Need of Easy Teacher Gifts?
It’s a constant struggle for most parents: what to get for their child’s teacher.
I realize as a teacher, you can think of 100 billion useful gift ideas – or maybe you prefer no gift at all. ORRRRR – perhaps you are similar to me in knowing my own child’s teacher this year is a long-time classroom veteran and she honestly has pretty much everything she could possibly need (other than a bottle of wine for my super talkative son – ha!) But, since I can’t easily send a bottle of booze to school via the school bus, I have to find a plan B.

Let me also toss out there that I tend to forget about these things until the last minute. So I don’t have much time to grab something that at least lets her know I appreciate everything she does for my child.
If you have been following me for any length of time, you know I am not super crafty, but I was quite pleased with my craftiness this afternoon upon realizing it is just about Winter Break and I had yet to come up with a unique idea.
The best part? It is REALLY easy and inexpensive!
You might want to check out:

Need some new ideas for staff morale in your school? This 111 page digital book has you covered!
Includes 15 articles from Organized Classroom, including topics such as:
-Work/Life Balance Tools
-Top 10 Survival Tips for New Teachers
-Several Fun (and Easy) Gifts for Your Colleagues
-Teacher Appreciation Ideas
-Staff Celebration Suggestions
…and even more!
Now available in our Shop! And the second copy to share with a friend is half price!
You will need the following supplies:
- Metal Stars
- Scrapbook Paper
- Mod Podge
- Foam Brush
- Paper Plates
- Pencil
- Scissors
- Optional: Gift Tag (download below)
Steps to Get Your Craft On:
1. Grab your pencil and trace one of the star points on the scrapbook paper. I “eyeballed” the point I couldn’t trace and then used the star straight edge to connect the points.
2. Cut them out.

3. Cut the “triangles” into half.
4. Pop your star on to a paper plate.
5. Pour a small amount of Mod Podge onto an extra paper plate and use the brush to add some to one side of the star and add your paper.
6. Do all the papers, then lightly brush the entire star with Mod Podge to seal it al in. Don’t drown your star in Mod Podge though or you will have a lot of paper buckling. {Ask me how I know this. lol!}
7. Allow it to dry overnight and you are finished! OH YEAH! Add a super cute tag and ribbon to the top. Toss into a gift bag with some candy and perhaps a mall gift certificate.
Super cute! A gift that will show up from year to year on that teacher’s tree! The chocolate and gift card are just some nice little extras just for her too!

Want the gift tag I created for my child’s teacher gift? Grab it below or in the OC VIP Team Freebie Library now.

Enjoy and have fun creating those gifts!