DIY Snowman Tracker


Antsy students eager for holiday break?  I feel you!  

Here is a super quick snowman days before Christmas craftivity that might help!  

You could actually use this a couple different ways:  either make one for the classroom to hang up and place in a prominent location – or – it could be a fun behavior reward activity for all students to complete during a Fun Friday celebration of a holiday party.

Eiher way – it’s pretty simple.  

I am not a crafter.  At all.  

So if I can make this look cute, then students won’t have any problems at all.  AND – I love that it is pretty mess free too.

Antsy students eager for holiday break? I feel you! Here is a super quick snowman days before Christmas craftivity that might help! Easy and no-mess!

What you’ll need:

Antsy students eager for holiday break? I feel you! Here is a super quick snowman days before Christmas craftivity that might help! Easy and no-mess!

Let’s Get Crafting!

Antsy students eager for holiday break? I feel you! Here is a super quick snowman days before Christmas craftivity that might help! Easy and no-mess!

1.  Cut out a hat from the black pieces and attach to round white piece with either glue dots or hot glue if you have a parent helper.  Add a strip of orange to the hat.

Antsy students eager for holiday break? I feel you! Here is a super quick snowman days before Christmas craftivity that might help! Easy and no-mess!

2.  Use the number stickers to add the numbers 1-24 around the edge.  OR you could also just use a black sharpie to do the same if you don’t want to mess with the stickers.

Antsy students eager for holiday break? I feel you! Here is a super quick snowman days before Christmas craftivity that might help! Easy and no-mess!

3.  Add your letter stickers to the hat.

Antsy students eager for holiday break? I feel you! Here is a super quick snowman days before Christmas craftivity that might help! Easy and no-mess!

4.  Make 2 pink circles out of chalk on the face.  Note:  make sure you do the chalk FIRST and not sharpie first, otherwise you will smudge the sharpie and your pink circles will have dark gray smudges in them.  Ask me how I know this.  lol.

5.  Next, use a sharpie to create the eyes and mouth.

Antsy students eager for holiday break? I feel you! Here is a super quick snowman days before Christmas craftivity that might help! Easy and no-mess!

6.  Cut out a nose from the orange foam and attach with a brad through the white circle.

Antsy students eager for holiday break? I feel you! Here is a super quick snowman days before Christmas craftivity that might help! Easy and no-mess!

7.  Optional:  Use a piece of ribbon and hot glue or tape the ends on the back of the snowman and hang up on a hook.

That’s it!  Easy, right?  And you know I am all about easy, especially when the students are crazy hyped up during the month of December.  

Happy crafting and I am curious:  what is on your holiday wishlist?  Leave me a comment below.


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