Spooktacular Jokes for Kids!


I know a principal once who would tell jokes for kids every morning on the announcements. It was a great way to start the day, even though we would hear groans from the students and staff from the corny riddles he shared.

Students would then start to bring in their own funny jokes for kids and tell them to their teacher and other friends.

Many teachers took advantage of this event by encouraging their kids to write down the clean jokes to be shared on a big list in the classroom. Then, if the class was having a particular rough day, the list could be brought out and a few would be read to put some smiles back on their faces.

Need some fun seasonal jokes for kids that won't haunt you later? Stop by Organized Classroom for Joketober and load up on some spooooooky good laughs!

Hilarious Jokes to Crack Kids Up

As I was lying wide awake in bed at 2 am, I decided it wasn’t the most productive way to spend my time and since I was awake anyhow, might as well create something fun for you!  Is it just me, or do you get random spurts of creativity in the middle of the night as well?  Oh yeah!

That is how Joke-tober was developed. I am super excited!

Here is an example! {The joke answer is upside down in the lower right hand corner of the card.}

Need some fun seasonal jokes for kids that won't haunt you later? Stop by Organized Classroom for Joketober and load up on some spooooooky good laughs!

Best Jokes in the Pumpkin Patch

I created a document with smaller versions of the jokes, which you could print on card stock, laminate, and pop on a 3-ring binder to have every October and share with the students orally.  That document is below.

You might want to check out:

Seasonal School Celebrations eBook Cover

Need some new ideas for hosting successful classroom celebrations?  This 416 page digital book has you covered! Includes 61 ad-free articles from Organized Classroom, including holidays such as:

  • Groundhog Day
  • Winter
  • Black History
  • Valentines Day
  • St. Patricks Day
  • Earth Day
  • Spring
  • Mothers Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Summer
  • Independence Day
  • Fall
  • Halloween
  • Thanksgiving
  • Christmas

…and even more!

Now available in our Shop!  And the second copy to share with a friend is half price!

See it HERE.

Of course, I want to give credit for all the jokes {I am not that funny y’all}.  

All the jokes came from Laugh-Out-Loud Spooky Jokes for Kids by Rob Elliott.  We happened to come upon the book in the local bookstore and my third grader was literally LOL-ing in the middle of the store, so I knew we had to have it.  

In addition to a sampling of these 31 jokes, he has TONS more in the book, and even a bunch of cute knock knock jokes I know your students would love.

What age range?  Honestly probably 2nd up to 5th grade.  You CAN use the jokes with smaller students, but you may have to explain them a bit more so they understand the humor.  Of course, some will be easier to understand than others by the students.  And some students may just laugh out loud regardless because they are silly. {Didn’t the skeleton…Ha!}

You can find Mr. Elliott’s book HERE.

Need some fun seasonal jokes for kids that won't haunt you later? Stop by Organized Classroom for Joketober and load up on some spooooooky good laughs!

What are some of your favorite go-to jokes for kids? We would love to hear them in the comments below too as everyone can use a laugh! Happy Haunting!


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