Cute Magnetic Sheet Classroom Decor!
I always find this time of year a little stressful as I try to accomplish all that I want with my current class at the same time my brain is racing with ideas to try for next year.
Part of this process for me is to reflect on my current classroom set up and classroom decor: what worked, what needs to be tweaked and what needs to be changed.
One thing that definitely works for me is printing on magnetic sheets to create signs that I use all the time.

In my class I printed the letters NOISE on magnetic sheets and use them as a noise management system in my class – you just take off a letter if students are too noisy. When you get to the word NO they are on no talking or maybe no free time – whatever works for you.

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I made a Teacher of the Day sign and student numbers for an easy way to pick the next Teacher of the Day.

I also printed calendar information on magnetic sheets so that the Teacher of the Day can put up the date quickly and legibly.

Magnetic sheets for my reading and math groups works perfectly.

With limited wall space, I like the ease of putting up and taking down my groups as I need them.

Here are a few additional signs that I use often as well.

So easy!

And loving the look!

Fun, yet useful too.

If you are making some plans for next year I highly recommend picking up some magnetic sheets – the possibilities are endless!
Be sure to stop by my blog for more end of the year and back to school ideas.
Would you like a copy of the early finishers signs in both color and black and white on chalkboard background?
Simply print out on magnetic printable sheets and cut out to use! Super simple!