Over the Door Poster Holder
Hey teaching friends! I have a short and quick idea post for you today! It is one of those ideas where you say “why didn’t I think of that?”

As I was out shopping with my daughter for college dorm essentials, I came across this handy dandy guy in the Target Dollar Spot. YUP – $3 gets you three door hangers.
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So, of course as my teacher mind is always working, I thought about how this could really come in handy in the classroom too!
You could use it over the door to hang your posters, anchor charts, and bulletin board borders out of the way!

Simply add them to pants hangers, and pop on the back of a supply closet door!

Simple. Easy. Out of the way. Why didn’t I think of that?
Need some easy signs to print and hang?
Simply print, laminate (optional), and hole punch in the middle top. Add a binder ring to the page and slip over the neck of the hanger.
Now you have organized hangers – with easy to change out labels too!

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