Student Teacher Gift Ideas!


Hi all!  A fan at The Organized Classroom Blog’s Facebook fan page posted the following question to us last week:

“Help. I have a male student teacher who is leaving soon. Any ideas for a goodbye gift?”

Well, that one question had teachers coming out of the woodwork to help, so I thought it would be a great idea to make a freebie eBook in Organized Classroom style!  It turned out to be 10 pages long!

These shared ideas were awesome (as always)! I think I might want to go back and be a student teacher so I can get some of these fab gifts from some of you.

While the question was specific to a male student teacher, MOST, if not all, the ideas would translate to a female student teacher as well.  The ideas were awesome (as always)!  Heck, I think I might want to go back and be a student teacher just so I can get some of these fabulous gifts from some of you.

Wrapping up the Year eBook Cover

Grab the ultimate end of the school year resource guide for teachers!

Wrapping Up the School Year in Just 3 Days!  27 page guidebook with checklists and a plan of action so you can enjoy the last week of school with your students – rather than feeling overwhelmed with your task list!  Click HERE to download it now!

On second thought…scratch that.  Ha!

Grab your freebie eBook below and happy celebrating!

These shared ideas were awesome (as always)! I think I might want to go back and be a student teacher so I can get some of these fab gifts from some of you.

Are there any ideas you would like to add that are not in the book?  Please add them in a comment below!

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