How Do You Communicate With Parents?

I think we all can agree that parental communication between school and home is so important!  But, sometimes, with everything we have to get done during the day, we might forget to make that connection.

Parental communication between school and home is so important! Sometimes, with everything we have to get done, we might forget to make that connection.

Well, I thought I would ask a few (over 90,000!) of my closest Facebook friends from The Organized Classroom Blog’s Facebook Fan Page to see how they communicate with their parents, and they have shared their tips and suggestions.

I compiled all their responses in one handy ebook for you to download and read their suggestions.

You might also be interested in:

Student Led Conferences eBook Cover

This program is 62 pages, and includes 26 templates that are completely editable so you can personalize your conferences to your liking! Also includes forms for having ongoing Data Folders – recommended for grades 2-12! Parent Conference Night has never been so easy! Discover for yourself!

See more pages here.

Another idea: Print one copy and place in a PD library in your staff lounge for colleagues to read some of the ideas and add a blank lined page in the back for them to add their own too! It would be a wonderful teacher to teacher resource that is always in use!

Parental communication between school and home is so important! Sometimes, with everything we have to get done, we might forget to make that connection.

Did they forget one you would like to add?  Please comment below!

Thanks so much to everyone who contributed in the Collaboration Wednesday question!  I so look forward to Wednesdays to see how much you share with others.  Kudos to you all!


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