End-of-the-Year Activities Roundup!
Here is a roundup of all the almost 150 End-of-the-Year Activities links that were tweeted and/or posted on the facebook fan page. Perhaps you missed something? Make sure to bookmark this page to return again (even next year for those of you lucky enough to be out already for the summer)!

I have been there with only a couple weeks left in the school year. Testing is complete for the primary students, you have an end of the year checkout list longer than your arm, and the children are pretty squirrelly all around. Not to mention your lack of sleep and stress from the year as a whole is finally starting to hit hard like jet lag.
You need some fun activities that will keep students occupied, still involve learning, and will help keep you sane in the process. Perhaps a few of the following ideas will save the day.
Elementary Class Activities for the End of the School Year
★ Wrapping up your school year in just 3 days – seriously!
★ 12 Fun Summer Ideas for Your Students
★ Summer Reading Rockets – Bingo Style!
★ End of Year Classroom Celebrations: Be the Memorable Teacher.
★ A fun activity where your students have to guess what you’ll be doing this summer!
★ Washi tape classroom awards – easy to make!
You might want to check out:

Need some new ideas for your end of the school year routine? This 70 page digital book has you covered!
Includes 10 articles from Organized Classroom, including topics such as:
- Printable Award Certificates
- How To Pack Up Your Classroom Faster Than Ever
- Fun Summer Reading Challenge for Students
- DIY Unique Award Ceremony Ribbons
- Planning Your EOY Party in a Snap
- Super Cute Tag for EOY Student Gift
…and even more!
Now available in our Shop! And the second copy to share with a friend is half price!
★ More student teacher gift ideas to wrap up the school year
★ 10 fun activities for the last week of school
★ End of the Year Stars Printable
★ Summer Vacation List
★ Would You Rather Questions for the End of the Year
★ Create a worksheet with lots of these thinking riddles – very fun!

Grab the ultimate end of the school year resource guide for teachers!
Wrapping Up the School Year in Just 3 Days! 27 page guidebook with checklists and a plan of action so you can enjoy the last week of school with your students – rather than feeling overwhelmed with your task list! Click HERE to download it now!
★ Make a calendar and include one of the following on each day, then give as an end-of-the-year gift to students
★ Free Summer Mystery Pictures Math
★ End of the Year Student Gift Tags
★ Still in School? Reading Survey to the Rescue!
★ End of the Year ABC Fun! – love this idea for any grade from first grade through even fifth grade!
★ Printable custom doorknob hanger
★ Create a Book on Tape as a service-learning project
★ Old School to New Cool e-book
★ Summer Math Printables (only the first 5 are free, so choose wisely)
★ Comparing autograph books from the 1800s to a new one students can make today – very neat!
★ End of the School Year Teaching Tips
★ Handy make-your-own calendar maker (useful for tracking summer books read)!
★ Blue’s Clues paper craft with a graduation hat
You might want to check out:

Need some new ideas for your end of the school year routine? This 70 page digital book has you covered!
Includes 10 articles from Organized Classroom, including topics such as:
- Printable Award Certificates
- How To Pack Up Your Classroom Faster Than Ever
- Fun Summer Reading Challenge for Students
- DIY Unique Award Ceremony Ribbons
- Planning Your EOY Party in a Snap
- Super Cute Tag for EOY Student Gift
…and even more!
Now available in our Shop! And the second copy to share with a friend is half price!
★ End of the Year Olympics
★ End of the Year Reflection Task Cards! – reflection questions are always a great way to recap the year
★ Reading Bookmarks Your Students Can Color!
★ The Final Countdown (Posters)!
★ SpongeBob graduation paper craft
★ Printable graduation treat bags
★ Teacher report card lesson idea
★ Students leave advice for next year’s students in this lesson
Classroom Printables for Your Grade Level
★ End of the Year Activity – Class Scavenger Hunt
★ End of Year Writing – cute for a 2nd grade writing activity
★ End of the Year Science Lab Inventory
★ End of the Year Inspirational Classroom Community Activity
★ Have the students each create a page (I would even only maybe do half a page) and keep them from year to year and add them to o-rings! Fun!
★ Last Day of School Poem and sentence starters
★ Graduation Bunny Paper Craft
★ Teacher Time Capsule (started by the preschool teacher) – awesome idea!
★ End of the year teacher professional development books
★ Classroom Seating Chart website
★ End-of-the-Year Resource List
★ Create fun puzzles to keep them busy during a movie
★ Lots of fun ideas from a slideshare
★ Sign up for the OC Educator’s Email Club
★ The Last Day of Kindergarten
★ Make your own rain sticks – then have students write a story about being caught in a rain shower
★ YouTube channel – make sure to see over 60 teaching tips videos!
★ A fun theater project called “Decades”
★ Fun Games and Activities for Middle School
★ How to stay charged the final weeks of school
Students will love these fun activities…
★ The Night Before Summer Vacation
★ Create your own end-of-the-year wordsearch
★ Graduation Friends TP Roll Craft
★ This is invaluable! End of the year report card comments!
★ Many lessons from different subject areas!
★ Summer Power Points and Games
★ Real or bogus websites? Have your students discuss and review these websites. Good for understanding that not everything on the internet is real or correct. Would be perfect for 3rd grade and older students.
★ End of the School Year Crafts
★ When It’s the Last Day of School
★ Word Scrambler for end of the year puzzles
★ Lots of good ideas including templates, gift ideas, and bulletin boards (the free ideas start at about the middle of the page)
★ Kindergarten graduation song – super cute!
★ Miss Bindergarten Celebrates the Last Day of Kindergarten
★ Thinking Ahead to Next Year Lesson Plan
★ Dealing with End of the Year Stress
★ What To Do on the Last Day of School

Grab the ultimate end of the school year resource guide for teachers!
Wrapping Up the School Year in Just 3 Days! 27 page guidebook with checklists and a plan of action so you can enjoy the last week of school with your students – rather than feeling overwhelmed with your task list! Click HERE to download it now!
★ End of the year printable PDFs (FYI – some of their links were broken)
★ Super fun! Interactive jigsaw puzzles – perfect as a class activity on the whiteboard or at computer workstations!
Students create a memory book and more…
★ Favorite Parts of the Year Memories Book
★ Brevard Zoo – Fourth graders could do virtual reports on the animals!
★ Ten great activities for teaching with the newspaper (since your library books are gone for the year)
★ Graduation Greeting Cards to customize
★ How cute is this? A Pet Rock Graduation craft!
★ Create custom awards and certificates
★ 10 Ways to Prepare for the End of the School Year
★ Lots of fun games and activities
★ An oldie but goodie: Math bingo
★ Create your own motivational posters for your students
★ Fun Paper Folding Activities
★ No More Pencils, No More Books, No More Teacher’s Dirty Looks!
★ When It’s the Last Day of School Lesson Plan
Which were your favorites from the mega list from above?
Enjoy and feel free to add more end of the year resources in the comments box at the bottom of the page. Thanks!