87 Seating Charts for Any Class Size

Knowing the best classroom desk arrangement for your students takes a bit of time after school has started.  You can always begin with one seating chart on Day One, but very quickly you start to learn whether the current desk configuration will work with your students – or will need to be modified.

Knowing the best classroom desk arrangement for your students takes a bit of time. You learn quickly whether the current seating will need to be changed.

Some days the seating chart choices want to make you bang your head on your own desk over and over again.

Billy doesn’t work well with Elijah.  Patty continues to chat with Mercedes even when they are separated across the room.  And Gus can’t work close to anyone, so he is mostly an “island” on his own, much to the dismay of his parents who seem to be in your classroom complaining at least once a week.

It’s like playing a dangerous game of checkers, knowing that no matter which way you turn, you’re probably going to get jumped and have to start over again the next day with a new solution.

Easy Student Desk Ideas

Having a simple way for certain number of students to move into group work makes it easier on yourself and quicker to keep the learning going throughout the day.

Utilizing the floor space wisely also saves you time during the school year.

Think about the following tips when choosing the best seating arrangements for your classroom:

  • Class sizes will play an important factor in how your room is set up.  Obviously the smaller the number of students, the easier it will be to arrange your furniture and learning spaces.  Smaller classes may be tougher to create a wider range of group work options though.
  • Know which teaching methods you prefer to use more often.  Do you like to lecture more often than not?  Then you will want desks that face the front of the room.  But if you use a small group teaching style, pods of desks that leave space in between for walk-throughs make better sense.  Independent work can also be a challenge if desks aren’t separated at all.
  • Also consider your behavior problems.  Depending on personality conflicts, a horseshoe shape might work ok or be a horrible option when students are able to face one another.
  • Choose how often classroom arrangements are changed.  A good rule of thumb is 6 weeks.  This gives children enough time to get to know students nearby better, but a change of scenery (and new personality combinations) every now and again to keep things fresh.

Effective Desk Arrangements Layouts

Need some new seating chart visuals?  Organized Classroom has you covered!  There are 87 options below, from 16 students up to 31.  With any of the seating charts shown, you can certainly add or subtract any number of desks you need to make it perfect for your space and students.

Click on any image below to begin designing your perfect new classroom space or click HERE to see the archived list of all 87 options:

  • This section is for class sizes of 16-17 students. While all the photos show options for 16 students, feel free to place an additional student on the end of one of the groups, if needed.
Knowing the best classroom desk arrangement for your students takes a bit of time. You learn quickly whether the current seating will need to be changed.
  • This section is for class sizes of 18-19 students. While all the photos show options for 18 students, feel free to place an additional student on the end of one of groups, if needed.
Knowing the best classroom desk arrangement for your students takes a bit of time. You learn quickly whether the current seating will need to be changed.
  • This section is for class sizes of 20-21 students. While all the photos show options for 20 students, feel free to place an additional student on the end of one of the groups, if needed.
Knowing the best classroom desk arrangement for your students takes a bit of time. You learn quickly whether the current seating will need to be changed.
  • This section is for class sizes of 22-23 students. While all the photos show options for 22 students, feel free to place an additional student on the end of one of the groups, if needed.
Knowing the best classroom desk arrangement for your students takes a bit of time. You learn quickly whether the current seating will need to be changed.

You might want to check out:

87 Classroom Seating Charts eBook Cover

Want an AD-FREE resource book of all seating charts in one easy-to-print format?  188 pages in total!  Now available in our Bookstore!  And the second copy to share with a friend is half price!  

See it HERE.

  • This section is for class sizes of 24-25 students. While all the photos show options for 24 students, feel free to place an additional student on the end of one of the groups, if needed.
Knowing the best classroom desk arrangement for your students takes a bit of time. You learn quickly whether the current seating will need to be changed.
  • This section is for class sizes of 26 or more students. While all the photos show options for 26 students, feel free to place additional students on the end of groups, or add additional groups, if needed.
Knowing the best classroom desk arrangement for your students takes a bit of time. You learn quickly whether the current seating will need to be changed.
  • This section is for class sizes of 28 or more students. While all the photos show options for 28 students, feel free to place additional students on the end of groups, or add additional groups, if needed.
Knowing the best classroom desk arrangement for your students takes a bit of time. You learn quickly whether the current seating will need to be changed.
  • This section is for class sizes of 30 or more students. While all the photos show options for 30 students, feel free to place additional students on the end of groups, or add additional groups, if needed.
Knowing the best classroom desk arrangement for your students takes a bit of time. You learn quickly whether the current seating will need to be changed.

What are some of your favorite classroom desk arrangement options?  We would love to hear them in a comment below!


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