Make Your Own {Almost} No-Sew Themed Book Bags!

For those of you who have been reading this blog for awhile, you will know that I am not super crafty.  AT.  ALL. 

I have NO IDEA how to sew by hand correctly, or even what a bobbin is (which tells you how many times I have ever used a sewing machine in my life). 

So, when I decided to try this project, I wondered if it would fall apart.  In fact, it did not.

You can create several of these book bags to match your own classroom theme! No sewing required! Check out the blog for complete directions and photos!

If you are much like the non-crafty, non-sewer me, even you WILL be able to do this one. 

And if you are still afraid of the thread and needle, another idea you might want to try to to iron on hemming tape to fuse the sides together. 

I did not think of that until after I had already bought the materials on hand and was too lazy to go back to the store. 

If you do try that option, please let us know how it goes because it might be even easier!

You can create several of these bags to match your very own classroom theme! 

You could even change up the rope and use a thick ribbon!  Or iron on decals to the front of a plain towel. 

The sky is the limit.

What can you use them for?  Obviously, they are not going to hold 5 large textbooks or 50 lunchboxes – they are as thick as a hand towel. 

BUT – you could use them for center activities that students could take to their seat. 

You might want to check out:

Classroom DIY eBook Cover

Need some new ideas for classroom decor and instructional materials in the classroom you can make yourself?  This 219 page digital book has you covered!

Includes 25 articles from Organized Classroom, including topics such as:

  • Simple Chair Pockets
  • DIY Classroom Mailboxes
  • Cute Student Birthday Snacks
  • Page Protector Solutions
  • Easy Center Sign Holders
  • Pocket Chart Makeovers

…and even more!

Now available in our Shop!  And the second copy to share with a friend is half price!  

See it HERE.

How about as a cute way to hold your emergency kit and student roster? 

I always had mine sitting right by the exit on a boring brown clipboard. 

Instead, make a bag to match your classroom theme, put all of those emergency supplies, including a read-aloud book, some pencils, and paper (you never know how long a lock-down drill might last) – and then hang the bag on a Command hook by the door instead.  Much easier on the eyes if nothing else.

Last, you can of course, use the themed bags to hold a few themed books to match. 

Just the novelty of getting to pick out one of the “special” books from the bags might be enough to sway even your most resistant reader!

Ok, without further ado, here are the directions for making your own.

You can create several of these book bags to match your own classroom theme! No sewing required! Check out the blog for complete directions and photos!

Enjoy and I would love to hear what theme you are going to make yours in – and what you will put in them!


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