15 Fabulous Equivalent Fractions Teaching Tools

Teaching equivalent fractions is either something you love or you hate.  I find very few teachers who are meh about it.  Me?  I personally love teaching students how to solve equivalent fractions.  Once students realize it’s like a game to find matching pairs or “twins,” they tend to be way more interested in the challenge.

Teaching equivalent fractions is either something you love or you hate. I personally love teaching students how to solve and compare equivalent fractions.

What is an equivalent fraction?

Knowing math vocabulary is super important. Students need to know that fractions have numerators and denominators and that those numbers are above or below a fraction bar.

When teaching students from the beginning, I like to have an informal definition which makes more sense to them as we are exploring this new topic.   My official informal definition is:

An equivalent fraction is when you have 2 fractions that are like cousins.  They might look different or have different “parent numbers,” but they are still related and match up if you know how to make their bottom numbers the same.

I know I am probably making a ton of math teachers squirm because I am not using specific math vocabulary here.  Keep in mind that I really do teach that too.  But this is my easy definition that students will remember when they are just starting to explore the topic of equivalent fractions.

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Math Games Bundle

6 math products that will be perfect for students in grades K-6!

See it HERE.

How do you solve to find equivalent fractions?

There are several resources listed below that you can use as resources to help you teach how to find equivalent fractions.   Make sure to stop by and check each of them out to find the best tools for your students!

#1  Equivalent Fractions Calculator:  This unique calculator can allow students to explore the operations involved in finding their solution.  I also love it for having students self-check their work for the correct answer.

Teaching equivalent fractions is either something you love or you hate. I personally love teaching students how to solve and compare equivalent fractions.

#2  Equivalent Fractions Chart:  A fun flip chart that shows students multiple ways how to make equivalent fractions.  It shows a picture, the fraction, a decimal, and a percent.

Teaching equivalent fractions is either something you love or you hate. I personally love teaching students how to solve and compare equivalent fractions.

#3  Fraction Tiles, Cubes, or Circles:   Hands-on manipulatives as a concrete learning method.

Teaching equivalent fractions is either something you love or you hate. I personally love teaching students how to solve and compare equivalent fractions.

Equivalent Fractions Videos:

#4  Khan Academy Fractions Tutorial:   An easy way to showcase basic equivalent fraction concepts with (what else?) pizza!

#5  Brainpop Fractions:  If your school has an account, this is a fun video.

Teaching equivalent fractions is either something you love or you hate. I personally love teaching students how to solve and compare equivalent fractions.

#6  Equivalent Fractions on a Number Line:   I didn’t even know this was a thing until recently.  I love that there are so many ways to show how to find the same solution.

#7  Fraction Decimal Equivalents:  Just reading the comments from appreciative students was the main reason for including this video on this list.

Equivalent Fractions Games:

#8  ABCYA 4th Grade Bingo Game:  This is super fun!  I may or may not have gotten sucked in to playing it by myself – ha!

Teaching equivalent fractions is either something you love or you hate. I personally love teaching students how to solve and compare equivalent fractions.

#9  Equivalent Fractions Games:   A super entertaining online game good for centers practice.  It has a fun space theme storyline and has pictures and different equivalent fractions to sort.

Teaching equivalent fractions is either something you love or you hate. I personally love teaching students how to solve and compare equivalent fractions.

#10  Math Fraction Games:  This is a wonderful kinesthetic activity for fraction introductions!

Teaching equivalent fractions is either something you love or you hate. I personally love teaching students how to solve and compare equivalent fractions.

#11  Calculator Soup Fractions Calculator:  If you want to do some whole group practice on an interactive whiteboard, this would be a great website to use!

Teaching equivalent fractions is either something you love or you hate. I personally love teaching students how to solve and compare equivalent fractions.

Equivalent Fractions Worksheet:

#12  Finding Equivalent Fractions Worksheet:  I love HoJo’s Magic Square puzzle games!   Even better that this particular one is for finding those sneaky matching fractions!  #score

Teaching equivalent fractions is either something you love or you hate. I personally love teaching students how to solve and compare equivalent fractions.

#13 Equivalent Fractions Examples:   I love this resource guide with worksheet examples, along with tutorials that use Legos to teach the concepts!

Teaching equivalent fractions is either something you love or you hate. I personally love teaching students how to solve and compare equivalent fractions.

#14  Using Area Models to Teach Fractions:  This is an awesome (and FREE) Bundle.  I love how the author shares exactly how she teaches it in the classroom too!

Teaching equivalent fractions is either something you love or you hate. I personally love teaching students how to solve and compare equivalent fractions.

#15  Alien Go Fish Equivalent Fractions Card Game Freebie:  Fern Smith always has the cutest freebies!

Teaching equivalent fractions is either something you love or you hate. I personally love teaching students how to solve and compare equivalent fractions.

BONUS Resources!

#16  Hands On Fraction Fun Blog Post:  I adore the idea of using measuring cups for finding equivalent fractions.  She shares how she teaches it here.

Teaching equivalent fractions is either something you love or you hate. I personally love teaching students how to solve and compare equivalent fractions.

#17  Squashing Fraction Misconceptions Blog Post:  Another amazing post with tons of teaching strategies for fractions – and some you may have never thought of before!

Teaching equivalent fractions is either something you love or you hate. I personally love teaching students how to solve and compare equivalent fractions.

#18  Fractions Interactive Notebook Grade 3 Sampler

Teaching equivalent fractions is either something you love or you hate. I personally love teaching students how to solve and compare equivalent fractions.

#19  Fractions Vocabulary Cards and Word Work Activities

Teaching equivalent fractions is either something you love or you hate. I personally love teaching students how to solve and compare equivalent fractions.

#20  Equivalent Fractions Hands-On Task Cards

Teaching equivalent fractions is either something you love or you hate. I personally love teaching students how to solve and compare equivalent fractions.

There you have it!  15 awesome teaching resources for equivalent fractions, with an extra 5 thrown in for good measure!  How do you teach equivalent fractions in your classroom?  Leave a comment below and share with us – we love collaborating!

Happy Fraction-ing,


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