18 Students Archives | Organized Classroom https://organizedclassroom.com/category/classroom-seating-charts/18-students/ Less Stress, More Effectiveness for Teachers Thu, 07 Nov 2024 14:29:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://organizedclassroom.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/cropped-favicon-32x32.png 18 Students Archives | Organized Classroom https://organizedclassroom.com/category/classroom-seating-charts/18-students/ 32 32 Classroom Seating Chart: Right Up Front https://organizedclassroom.com/classroom-seating-chart-right-up-front/ https://organizedclassroom.com/classroom-seating-chart-right-up-front/#respond Thu, 07 Nov 2024 14:28:59 +0000 http://www.organizedclassroom.com.php74-41.lan3-1.websitetestlink.com/?p=81254 Perfect for behavior problems, this set up allows most students to work together.  The couple students who may have temporarily lost that privilege get up close-and-personal teacher attention in the front and center.

The post Classroom Seating Chart: Right Up Front appeared first on Organized Classroom.

This section is for class sizes of 18-19 students. While all the photos show options for 18 students, feel free to place an additional student on the end of one of groups, if needed.

Perfect for behavior problems, this set up allows most students to work together.  The couple students who may have temporarily lost that privilege get up close-and-personal teacher attention in the front and center.
Perfect for behavior problems, this set up allows most students to work together.  The couple students who may have temporarily lost that privilege get up close-and-personal teacher attention in the front and center.

Perfect for behavior problems, this set up allows most students to work together.  The couple students who may have temporarily lost that privilege get up close-and-personal teacher attention in the front and center.

Perfect for behavior problems, this set up allows most students to work together.  The couple students who may have temporarily lost that privilege get up close-and-personal teacher attention in the front and center.

How else could you use this seating arrangement in your classroom?  Feel free to share in the comments below!

You might want to check out:

87 Classroom Seating Charts eBook Cover

Want an AD-FREE resource book of all seating charts in one easy-to-print format?  188 pages in total!  Now available in our Bookstore!  And the second copy to share with a friend is half price!  

See it HERE.

Grab a printable handout of this seating chart!

Perfect for behavior problems, this set up allows most students to work together.  The couple students who may have temporarily lost that privilege get up close-and-personal teacher attention in the front and center.

The post Classroom Seating Chart: Right Up Front appeared first on Organized Classroom.

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Classroom Seating Chart: Team Players https://organizedclassroom.com/classroom-seating-chart-team-players/ https://organizedclassroom.com/classroom-seating-chart-team-players/#respond Mon, 22 Jul 2024 17:00:54 +0000 http://www.organizedclassroom.com.php74-41.lan3-1.websitetestlink.com/?p=81695 This section is for class sizes of 18-19 students. While all the photos show options for 18 students, feel free to place an additional student on the end of one of groups, if needed. Three groups of four, with one group of six make for an even number for several partner groupings within one “team.” ...

The post Classroom Seating Chart: Team Players appeared first on Organized Classroom.

This section is for class sizes of 18-19 students. While all the photos show options for 18 students, feel free to place an additional student on the end of one of groups, if needed.

Three groups of four, with one group of six make for an even number for several partner groupings within one “team.”  Use these different pairings to complete various learning tasks throughout the day.  Not only will the students get to know one another better, but overall classroom atmosphere will improve.
Three groups of four, with one group of six make for an even number for several partner groupings within one “team.”  Use these different pairings to complete various learning tasks throughout the day.  Not only will the students get to know one another better, but overall classroom atmosphere will improve.

Three groups of four, with one group of six make for an even number for several partner groupings within one “team.”  Use these different pairings to complete various learning tasks throughout the day.  Not only will the students get to know one another better, but overall classroom atmosphere will improve.

Three groups of four, with one group of six make for an even number for several partner groupings within one “team.”  Use these different pairings to complete various learning tasks throughout the day.  Not only will the students get to know one another better, but overall classroom atmosphere will improve.

How else could you use this seating arrangement in your classroom?  Feel free to share in the comments below!

You might want to check out:

87 Classroom Seating Charts eBook Cover

Want an AD-FREE resource book of all seating charts in one easy-to-print format?  188 pages in total!  Now available in our Bookstore!  And the second copy to share with a friend is half price!  

See it HERE.

Grab a printable handout of this seating chart!

Three groups of four, with one group of six make for an even number for several partner groupings within one “team.”  Use these different pairings to complete various learning tasks throughout the day.  Not only will the students get to know one another better, but overall classroom atmosphere will improve.

The post Classroom Seating Chart: Team Players appeared first on Organized Classroom.

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Classroom Seating Chart: Pyramid https://organizedclassroom.com/classroom-seating-chart-pyramid/ https://organizedclassroom.com/classroom-seating-chart-pyramid/#respond Sun, 02 Jun 2024 22:43:19 +0000 http://www.organizedclassroom.com.php74-41.lan3-1.websitetestlink.com/?p=80909 This section is for class sizes of 18-19 students. While all the photos show options for 18 students, feel free to place an additional student on the end of one of groups, if needed. In this arrangement, you can put the students where they need to be for height, so that way they can see...

The post Classroom Seating Chart: Pyramid appeared first on Organized Classroom.

This section is for class sizes of 18-19 students. While all the photos show options for 18 students, feel free to place an additional student on the end of one of groups, if needed.

In this arrangement, you can put the students where they need to be for height, so that way they can see over one another.
In this arrangement, you can put the students where they need to be for height, so that way they can see over one another.

In this arrangement, you can put the students where they need to be for height, so that way they can see over one another.

In this arrangement, you can put the students where they need to be for height, so that way they can see over one another.

How else could you use this seating arrangement in your classroom?  Feel free to share in the comments below!

You might want to check out:

87 Classroom Seating Charts eBook Cover

Want an AD-FREE resource book of all seating charts in one easy-to-print format?  188 pages in total!  Now available in our Bookstore!  And the second copy to share with a friend is half price!  

See it HERE.

Grab a printable handout of this seating chart!

This lets the students face the front of the room easily and it will be easy to organize with different heights of the students so everyone can see.

The post Classroom Seating Chart: Pyramid appeared first on Organized Classroom.

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Classroom Seating Chart: Three-by-Two https://organizedclassroom.com/classroom-seating-chart-three-by-two/ https://organizedclassroom.com/classroom-seating-chart-three-by-two/#respond Fri, 19 Jan 2024 02:49:05 +0000 http://www.organizedclassroom.com.php74-41.lan3-1.websitetestlink.com/?p=81749 This section is for class sizes of 18-19 students. While all the photos show options for 18 students, feel free to place an additional student on the end of one of groups, if needed. Teams of two can work as partners.  Pair together students of like abilities, interests, or ages.  Then, in six weeks, mix...

The post Classroom Seating Chart: Three-by-Two appeared first on Organized Classroom.

This section is for class sizes of 18-19 students. While all the photos show options for 18 students, feel free to place an additional student on the end of one of groups, if needed.

Teams of two can work as partners.  Pair together students of like abilities, interests, or ages.  Then, in six weeks, mix it up again.  Team-building should also be incorporated for partners that share no apparent connection.
Teams of two can work as partners.  Pair together students of like abilities, interests, or ages.  Then, in six weeks, mix it up again.  Team-building should also be incorporated for partners that share no apparent connection.

Teams of two can work as partners.  Pair together students of like abilities, interests, or ages.  Then, in six weeks, mix it up again.  Team-building should also be incorporated for partners that share no apparent connection.

Teams of two can work as partners.  Pair together students of like abilities, interests, or ages.  Then, in six weeks, mix it up again.  Team-building should also be incorporated for partners that share no apparent connection.

How else could you use this seating arrangement in your classroom?  Feel free to share in the comments below!

You might want to check out:

87 Classroom Seating Charts eBook Cover

Want an AD-FREE resource book of all seating charts in one easy-to-print format?  188 pages in total!  Now available in our Bookstore!  And the second copy to share with a friend is half price!  

See it HERE.

Grab a printable handout of this seating chart!

Teams of two can work as partners.  Pair together students of like abilities, interests, or ages.  Then, in six weeks, mix it up again.  Team-building should also be incorporated for partners that share no apparent connection.

The post Classroom Seating Chart: Three-by-Two appeared first on Organized Classroom.

https://organizedclassroom.com/classroom-seating-chart-three-by-two/feed/ 0
Classroom Seating Chart: Semi-Circle https://organizedclassroom.com/classroom-seating-chart-semi-circle/ https://organizedclassroom.com/classroom-seating-chart-semi-circle/#respond Thu, 06 Jul 2023 23:25:04 +0000 http://www.organizedclassroom.com.php74-41.lan3-1.websitetestlink.com/?p=81384 This section is for class sizes of 18-19 students. While all the photos show options for 18 students, feel free to place an additional student on the end of one of groups, if needed. This seating arrangement gives the students a way to see everything going on in front of the classroom.  Wonderful for Reader’s...

The post Classroom Seating Chart: Semi-Circle appeared first on Organized Classroom.


This section is for class sizes of 18-19 students. While all the photos show options for 18 students, feel free to place an additional student on the end of one of groups, if needed.

This seating arrangement gives the students a way to see everything going on in front of the classroom.  Wonderful for Reader’s Theater!
This seating arrangement gives the students a way to see everything going on in front of the classroom.  Wonderful for Reader’s Theater!

This seating arrangement gives the students a way to see everything going on in front of the classroom.  Wonderful for Reader’s Theater!

This seating arrangement gives the students a way to see everything going on in front of the classroom.  Wonderful for Reader’s Theater!

How else could you use this seating arrangement in your classroom?  Feel free to share in the comments below!

You might want to check out:

87 Classroom Seating Charts eBook Cover

Want an AD-FREE resource book of all seating charts in one easy-to-print format?  188 pages in total!  Now available in our Bookstore!  And the second copy to share with a friend is half price!  

See it HERE.

Grab a printable handout of this seating chart!

This seating arrangement gives the students a way to see everything going on in front of the classroom.  Wonderful for Reader’s Theater!

The post Classroom Seating Chart: Semi-Circle appeared first on Organized Classroom.

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Classroom Seating Chart: Backwards Dipper https://organizedclassroom.com/classroom-seating-chart-backwards-dipper/ https://organizedclassroom.com/classroom-seating-chart-backwards-dipper/#respond Tue, 05 Apr 2022 17:39:39 +0000 http://www.organizedclassroom.com.php74-41.lan3-1.websitetestlink.com/?p=85338 This section is for class sizes of 18-19 students. While all the photos show options for 18 students, feel free to place an additional student on the end of one of groups, if needed. This choice involves a line of desks snaking around the room, and almost crossing as it comes back again.  It would...

The post Classroom Seating Chart: Backwards Dipper appeared first on Organized Classroom.

This section is for class sizes of 18-19 students. While all the photos show options for 18 students, feel free to place an additional student on the end of one of groups, if needed.

This choice involves a line of desks snaking around the room, and almost crossing as it comes back again.  It would be perfect for those “problem students” in your class because the students will have a hard time finding their “buddies” during class with this arrangement if they are opposite ends of the room.
This choice involves a line of desks snaking around the room, and almost crossing as it comes back again.  It would be perfect for those “problem students” in your class because the students will have a hard time finding their “buddies” during class with this arrangement if they are opposite ends of the room.

This choice involves a line of desks snaking around the room, and almost crossing as it comes back again.  It would be perfect for those “problem students” in your class because the students will have a hard time finding their “buddies” during class with this arrangement if they are opposite ends of the room.

This choice involves a line of desks snaking around the room, and almost crossing as it comes back again.  It would be perfect for those “problem students” in your class because the students will have a hard time finding their “buddies” during class with this arrangement if they are opposite ends of the room.

How else could you use this seating arrangement in your classroom?  Feel free to share in the comments below!

You might want to check out:

87 Classroom Seating Charts eBook Cover

Want an AD-FREE resource book of all seating charts in one easy-to-print format?  188 pages in total!  Now available in our Bookstore!  And the second copy to share with a friend is half price!  

See it HERE.

Grab a printable handout of this seating chart!

This choice involves a line of desks snaking around the room, and almost crossing as it comes back again.  It would be perfect for those “problem students” in your class because the students will have a hard time finding their “buddies” during class with this arrangement if they are opposite ends of the room.

The post Classroom Seating Chart: Backwards Dipper appeared first on Organized Classroom.

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Classroom Seating Chart: Pyramid Formation https://organizedclassroom.com/classroom-seating-chart-pyramid-formation/ https://organizedclassroom.com/classroom-seating-chart-pyramid-formation/#respond Wed, 09 Jun 2021 18:10:26 +0000 http://www.organizedclassroom.com.php74-41.lan3-1.websitetestlink.com/?p=84301 This section is for class sizes of 18-19 students. While all the photos show options for 18 students, feel free to place an additional student on the end of one of groups, if needed. This lets the students face the front of the room easily and it will be easy to organize with different heights...

The post Classroom Seating Chart: Pyramid Formation appeared first on Organized Classroom.

This section is for class sizes of 18-19 students. While all the photos show options for 18 students, feel free to place an additional student on the end of one of groups, if needed.

This lets the students face the front of the room easily and it will be easy to organize with different heights of the students so everyone can see.
This lets the students face the front of the room easily and it will be easy to organize with different heights of the students so everyone can see.

This lets the students face the front of the room easily and it will be easy to organize with different heights of the students so everyone can see.

This lets the students face the front of the room easily and it will be easy to organize with different heights of the students so everyone can see.

How else could you use this seating arrangement in your classroom?  Feel free to share in the comments below!

You might want to check out:

87 Classroom Seating Charts eBook Cover

Want an AD-FREE resource book of all seating charts in one easy-to-print format?  188 pages in total!  Now available in our Bookstore!  And the second copy to share with a friend is half price!  

See it HERE.

The post Classroom Seating Chart: Pyramid Formation appeared first on Organized Classroom.

https://organizedclassroom.com/classroom-seating-chart-pyramid-formation/feed/ 0
Classroom Seating Chart: X Marks the Spot https://organizedclassroom.com/classroom-seating-chart-x-marks-the-spot/ https://organizedclassroom.com/classroom-seating-chart-x-marks-the-spot/#respond Mon, 01 Jul 2019 15:20:03 +0000 http://www.organizedclassroom.com.php74-41.lan3-1.websitetestlink.com/?p=82634 This section is for class sizes of 18-19 students. While all the photos show options for 18 students, feel free to place an additional student on the end of one of groups, if needed. Straight lines that cross at a midpoint are the central theme of this seating arrangement.  It would be wonderful for an...

The post Classroom Seating Chart: X Marks the Spot appeared first on Organized Classroom.

This section is for class sizes of 18-19 students. While all the photos show options for 18 students, feel free to place an additional student on the end of one of groups, if needed.

Straight lines that cross at a midpoint are the central theme of this seating arrangement.  It would be wonderful for an example of intersecting and perpendicular lines during a geometry math vocabulary unit!
Straight lines that cross at a midpoint are the central theme of this seating arrangement.  It would be wonderful for an example of intersecting and perpendicular lines during a geometry math vocabulary unit!

Straight lines that cross at a midpoint are the central theme of this seating arrangement.  It would be wonderful for an example of intersecting and perpendicular lines during a geometry math vocabulary unit!

Straight lines that cross at a midpoint are the central theme of this seating arrangement.  It would be wonderful for an example of intersecting and perpendicular lines during a geometry math vocabulary unit!

How else could you use this seating arrangement in your classroom?  Feel free to share in the comments below!

You might want to check out:

87 Classroom Seating Charts eBook Cover

Want an AD-FREE resource book of all seating charts in one easy-to-print format?  188 pages in total!  Now available in our Bookstore!  And the second copy to share with a friend is half price!  

See it HERE.

The post Classroom Seating Chart: X Marks the Spot appeared first on Organized Classroom.

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