Comments on: Student Slang for Teachers Less Stress, More Effectiveness for Teachers Tue, 21 Nov 2023 01:37:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Atasha Joans Hi!
I am not a teacher, but I am a teen. So, I know A LOT of slang.
(The reason I’m here is because I want to see if I use slang correctly lol)

Okay here we go:
That’s Cap: That’s a lie.
They ate and left no crumbs: They did a great job.
Slay: Keep doing what you’re doing, you’re killing it.
Rizz: The ability to charm a girl.
L-Rizz: A loss of a girl (L means loss)
W-Rizz: A win of a girl (W means win)

I can’t think of more rn babi grill, but I’ll find more later!
